Video Testimonials

St. Bernadette Catholic Church
Prospect, KY

St. Raymond Catholic Church
Dublin, CA

St. Mark's United Methodist
Lincoln, NE
Case Studies

All Saints Catholic Church
"As a bilingual church using MSP, All Saints has seen firsthand how MSP can bring their congregation closer together as a community."

Church of Saint Mary
"With the Kiosk, everybody can see who's checked in or not. And people really like the accuracy of the Kiosk."

St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
"Scheduling volunteers is something that you should be able to push a button and get the computer to do in five minutes. And so that's what we did!"

Old St. Patrick's Church
"In less than one year, the number of people who have access to the schedule and are volunteering regularly has more than doubled."

Park Community Church
"MSP helps the coordinators be better at their job, because they can focus on the big picture."

Trinity Lutheran Church
"Now, they can all be there in one place... MSP becomes a one-stop place for everyone to get all the resources they need."

Summit Crossing Community
"Using something that gets everybody involved in the process liberates me to do what I'm actually trained to do."

University Catholic Center
"MSP is one very objective metric that accounts for having much more people involved in ministry."

St. Pius V
"MSP has helped build a sense of community and highlight the importance of ministry... Our pastor is thrilled with the new system."

St. Patrick of Heatherdowns
"Being able to keep families together and avoiding scheduling people twice in a weekend is conducive to people getting involved in ministry."

Catholic Community
of Waukesha
of Waukesha
"If volunteers want to minister at other parishes, I just add the ministry after they've received the appropriate training, and then they can minister."
Candid user feedback
I am absolutely delighted with Ministry Scheduler Pro. I cannot believe that what used to take me two hours is done in seconds! The software is so user-friendly that I was able to run schedules with hardly a learning curve.
— Catherine Bergeron, St. John Episcopal Church (Minneapolis, MN)
MSP has helped build a sense of community and highlight the importance of ministry... Our pastor is thrilled with the new system.
— Jacki Huot, St. Pius V Church (Providence, RI)
The volunteers are giving the program great reviews, also.
— Dee Wells, St. James Lutheran Church (Gettysburg, PA)
Volunteers now can communicate with one another in a better, more effective way when it comes to switching and asking for subs.
— Jessi Williams, Pursuit Church (Denver, NC)
Ministers are better at showing up for their assigned duties and better at getting subs to fill their position.
— Carla Gross, Risen Savior Parish (Brandon, SD)
Overall improved satisfaction with scheduling process and most notably finding subs. Keep up the great work!
— Melinda Bernhard, St. Peter Church (Geneva, IL)
[You're] available and friendly for those of us who do not consider computers "instinctive" - you're doing well!
— Sheila Przesmicki, St. Gabriel the Archangel Church (Hopkins, MN)
Sending personal emails with schedules has been so well received and improved participation. I am extremely happy with this product. Best new software I've encountered in years!
— Maureen Epson, Nativity of Our Lord (Broomfield, CO)
We can now schedule more masses on more days with the same staff.
— Gerald Sparks, Mary Immaculate Catholic Church (Farmers Branch, TX)
It has allowed a better system of seeking substitutes and has increased the perception of fairness in scheduling.
— James Lanning, Trinity Episcopal Church (Wheaton, IL)
MSP made it easier for our volunteers to keep track of their schedules.
— Bill Moglia, St. Pius V (Lynn, MA)
Thank you very much for the webinar today. It's really helpful for us to care for our volunteers' time in the special Holy Days. Thanks again.
— KP, Our Lady of Fatima (Modesto, CA)
[MSP is] slowly but surely making the entire process more efficient.
— Tom Collins, St. Paul of the Cross (Park Ridge, IL)
MSP has changed my life drastically in terms of the amount of time I spend scheduling. I feel like it has allowed me to focus on more important aspects of the ministries.
— Kristi Gonsalves-McCabe, Regis University (Denver, CO)
Doing scheduling by hand is always a confusing, hit or miss, and thankless task. MSP has really made scheduling easier for staff and for volunteers alike.
— Br. John Westaway, Church of St. Paul in the Desert (Palm Springs, CA)
MSP really has been a wonderful addition to my tool chest. I have had many comments from my ministers about how great it is. My coordinators have said that there is much lower percentage of no-shows. The internet access, the "sub request" feature, the profile feature -- they all contribute to the success.
— Mary Dupuis, Holy Spirit Catholic Parish (Great Falls, MT)
Thank you for this great tool for ministry scheduling.
— Mary Malewitz, St. Mary Star of the Sea Church (Jackson, Michigan)
It makes it easier for ministers to be aware of opportunities to volunteer. It also limits the number of "no shows" each week because people can find themselves a sub instead of simply not attending.
— Jeff Mikusky, San Antonio de Padua del Canon (Anaheim, CA)
MSP is one very objective metric that accounts for having much more people involved in ministry.
— Brandon Kraft, University Catholic Center (Austin, TX)
Overall we love MSP, it is simple to use and really improves communication and takes the stress off the ministry leaders.
— Katie Graeber, Prince of Peace Christian Church (Tomahawk, WI)
I really like the program. It has made my life much easier. THANK YOU!
— Robert Schmirler, St. Rita Catholic Church (Dade City, FL)
Process for scheduling special services is streamlined and overall volunteer availability and substitution management, in direct access for the volunteers, is improving timeliness of participation and coverage.
— Jeanne Blair, St. Gilbert Church (Grayslake, IL)
The updates in the most recent version are outstanding!!! I feel very good about the software, my schedules and the huge increase in communication with our ministers!
— Marianne Burkemper, St. Joseph Catholic Church (Manchester, MO)
We have enjoyed using the product. Leaders like the even distribution of scheduling volunteers. With the COVID-19 situation, we have found MSP flexible in adding special service situations as things change.
— Pam Newman, Buford Church of Christ (Buford, GA)
We always appreciate MSP’s fantastic support; it is probably the best I have personally ever experienced!
— Sarah Mikucki, Grace Christian Fellowship (Spokane, WA)
I'm emailing because I wanted to say how much I am liking the new Announcements feature. I love the fact that I have the list of the emails I have sent. It is wonderful to be able to duplicate and reuse them. Prior to the Announcements pane, I would save every email I send through MSP into a folder in my email so that I could copy and paste the email. Why recreate the wheel!
— Maureen Yantz, St. Margaret Church (Bel Air, MD)
MSP has definitely increased participation and made finding subs SO MUCH EASIER!
— Natalie Howell, Living Word Lutheran Church (Katy, TX)
Emailing reminders and making substitution requests online and through email has made it easier for volunteers to participate.
— Randal Dalhoff, Saint Cecilia Church (Ames, IA)
[MSP] has made it easier for volunteers to communicate their change needs and to bring better awareness to them of their ministry assignments.
— Deacon Patrick Wilson, Blessed Sacrament Church (Newark, OH)
It is much easier to create the schedules. It is also helpful that the volunteers can request for subs and put in times not available. The app and email reminders are also very helpful.
— Margaret Rasmussen, St. Bernard's Catholic Church (Thief River Falls, MN)
Ministers have been very receptive to the on-line access Ministry Scheduler Pro provides. They enter their availability, request substitutes, and maintain their profiles. Makes it very easy for the ministers to be self-sufficient.
— Jack Heck, Blessed Savior Catholic Church (Milwaukee, WI)
Your program is finally what I've been looking for years. I was able to set it up and manipulate the data without having to read the manual and emailing reminders to the volunteers has always been my dream!
— Olivia Latiano, St. Peter's Catholic Church (Huron, OH)
MSP has given people the opportunity to request subs and accept sub requests on their own. This has made life easier for everyone.
— Cindy Varenkamp, Holy Name (Cedar Lake, IN)
MSP has considerably decreased the amount of time spent scheduling.
— Janell, St. Wenceslaus (Scappoose, OR)
Auto-reminders have made ministers more likely to do the proper preparation for their assignment a week in advance, the Web Terminal Streamlined the process of arranging assignment swaps, and the Emailer function has allowed me to save so much time in creating and sending out important messages to the entire ministry. MSP has also provided me (the Minsitry Coordinator) a centralized database of members of the Ministry and a tool by which to track attendance, as well as simplifying the creation of the creating schedules!
— Geoffe Elias, St. John the Baptist Church (Milpitas, CA)
[MSP has] increased participation of volunteers with the calendar schedule and better use of volunteer's time.
— Becky Snell, St. Martin-in-the-Fields (Keller, TX)
I really enjoy the ease of using MSP, it has saved me a ton of time in scheduling. I also save so much time using the Emailer. It is great!
— Joyce Scheffler, Southwood Lutheran Church (Lincoln, NE)
MSP facilitates ministers getting involved. Being able to keep families together and avoiding scheduling people twice in a weekend is conducive to people getting involved in ministry.
— Deacon Joe Kest, St. Patrick of Heatherdowns (Toledo, OH)
The Ministers find it mush easier to view schedules and made swaps on line.This results in less frustration and better retention. Because the systemdoes the choosing, there is better distribution. So, some Minister who mayonly have 1 or 2 times in a scheduling period now have more and the"regulars" are not overwhelmed as much.
— Tony Unitas, Cathedral of Mary Our Queen (Baltimore, MD)
Nearly one-stop shopping for schedules!
— Karen Slagell, St. Clare of Assisi Episcopal Church (Ann Arbor, MI)
The program as been very well received. Volunteers really like having the schedule accessible from their computers/phones. The reminder emails have greatly improved volunteer's attendance. Online sign-up has made filling empty spots very easy!
— Carol Fedewa, St. John the Baptist (Howell, MI)
We're recruiting more volunteers (enrollment link), and volunteers like the frequent communications (using emailer) and weekly email about open positions. We love it!
— Angie Kaney, Our Lady of Lourdes Church (Bettendorf, IA)
MSP makes it much easier for our volunteers to request or accept a sub. This program has been well received by our parishioners.
— Larry Sink, St. Andrew's (Roanoke, VA)
MSP has made a huge impact on the way we schedule volunteers for Mass. There are no duplicate assignments and makes it easier for those who cannot serve when scheduled find a replacement.
— Deacon Mike Romaka, Holy Family (Lawton, OK)
MSP has made participating in ministry 100% better. I can now change anything that needs to be changed as soon as someone calls. It is easier to read, for myself as well as the parishioners.
— Mary Daniel, Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Rapid City, SD)
This software will save a tremendous amount of work just by taking care of the scheduling aspect. The ability to email schedules to the workers will be a tremendous asset as we continue to grow as a congregation.
— Pastor Jason Pierce, Cornerstone Church (Bethalto, IL)
People appreciate the ease with which they can arrange a substitute when needed.
— Ann Scheiding, St. John XXIIII (Cedar Rapids, IA)
I was just saying to a priest that I absolutely love MSP and Rotunda keeps making it so that I love it more.
— Maureen Yantz, St. Margaret Church (Bel Air, MD)
So few products do what they claim from wrinkle cream to toilet bowl cleaner, so to find one that really does cut down on time, effort and frustration is wonderful. So much pertinent info is in one spot and at hand, just perfect!
— Margie Whyte, St. Bruno School (Whittier, CA)
We have reduced administrative cost of scheduling by 50% and have better participation by volunteers to fill their empty positions on their own, thereby saving frustration for our administrative assistant and ministry departments heads and reducing no shows.
— Marie Nichols, Agape Community Fellowship of Marysville (Marysville, OH)
It has made it easier for every volunteer to be involved in their scheduling and has made scheduling much easier without the over booking of volunteers.
— Nancy Jahnke, First Assembly of God (Jefferson City, MO)
We have a large group of parishioners that love MSP.
— Maria Danos, St. Patrick Catholic Church (Baton Rouge, LA)
MSP is so flexible! It accommodates all kinds of scheduling preferences, so family members may minister together, or separately if need be. Words cannot express my delight with MSP and its flexibility.
— Joanne T. Ibex, St. Michael the Archangel (Baltimore, MD)
We almost never have no-shows now, which used to happen often. The servers compete to snatch up sub requests. Everyone is happy with his schedule because each person has control of what happens.
— Fr. John Brancich, Immaculate Conception Church (Omaha, NE)
Substitute options empower our volunteers.
— Susan McDowell, St. Irenaeus Catholic Church (Cypress, CA)
We are DELIGHTED with our new software. We just completed our first quarter 2009 schedule and are so happy with the results. We are producing a far better and more fair schedule for our ministers.
— Dave Jackson, Mary Queen of Peace (Danville, IN)
MSP encourages a culture where people feel part of a team and cover for each other. It's all about enlisting people and building teams... It's been a huge paradigm shift for us.
— Joan Hudson, St. Mark's United Methodist (Lincoln, NE)
MSP has made it easier to schedule people and also given more people a chance to serve.
— Richard Gentles, Corpus Christi Church (Chatham, NJ)
The ministers LOVE it because it is user friendly, they control their own information and there is much less margin for error by cutting out the middle man (me) when inputting their unavailability dates. I love it for the same reasons -- if there's an issue, it isn't usually my fault any longer!
— Colleen Mengel, Church of the Resurrection (Fairport, NY)
You deserve an industry award for your design work. All of you have earned a firm place in our hearts for the true blessing of your scheduling system.
— Deacon Bob Walling, St Francis of Assisi (Bend, OR)
MSP is easy to manage and find out what the Sunday Mass needs are in advance. The site also allows for communication between the parishioners who are looking for a substitute.
— Volunteer at Our Lady of the Assumption (Beloit, WI)
This software has made my life so much easier. I used to dread doing the schedule, especially for the summer, as I had to fill about 780 spots manually! Now it's a piece of cake.
— Barbara McCarthy, Holy Trinity Church (West Harwich, MA)
MSP has enabled better communication and built camaraderie in our entire ministry. It's allowed us to grow and reach people that otherwise wouldn't be involved in ministry.
— Ryan Patton, Summit Crossing Community Church (Madison, AL)
One program sending out all the emails and reminders is great. Getting subs is so easy and the administrator does not have to be involved in finding subs and sending emails out.
— Linda Schwarz, Saint Andrew Lutheran Church (Centreville, VA)
We’ve added 2 ministries with COVID -- a “pew safety team” -- People go thru church after each Mass and wipe touch points (takes less than 15 minutes after Mass depending on the number) Plus an AV team to livestream and record Masses. MSP has made it easy to do this and people who have not gotten involved in anything are stepping up.
— Marianne Faulstich, St Louis Church (Clarksville, MD)
I absolutely love using this program. It is very user friendly and I brag on the great service we receive anytime I have a question... MSP has made our scheduling more organized and professional. Most volunteers have access to a computer so they are able to view the entire schedule or just their own scheduled times and are able to keep track of their appointed dates.
— Nereida Provenzano, New Life Christian Fellowship (Trumbull, CT)
Every minister I know swears by this program and says it's the single, ONLY choice for parishes trying to streamline their ministry scheduling process. Bravo for such a great program.
— Jennifer Kerr Budziak, St. John of the Cross (Western Springs, IL)
For any parish with more than twenty active liturgical ministers (and that's just about all of them!), this program can save time, headaches, tensions, and promote efficiency, fewer errors, and happier ministers.
— Joyce Zimmerman, founding editor of "Liturgical Ministry" magazine
MSP has made it easier on the volunteers who hand-made the schedules.
— Timothy Sandquist, St. John the Baptist (Savage, MN)
I'm very pleased with the program and with the support I've received when I've had to call with questions.
— Teresa Blosser, Our Lady of Good Counsel Church (Endicott, NY)
We are amazed at how quickly the ministers adopted the on-line feature. Swap requests quadrupled from the manual list of ministers that a person would send emails to before.
— Paul Kielian, Mary Our Queen Church (Omaha, NE)
With the Web Terminal I have people volunteering for extra assignments. That was not happening pre Web Terminal. My volunteers are definitely more involved in their scheduling.
— Richard Lepke, Hope Baptist Church (Las Vegas, NV)
The volunteers are more aware of positions that need to be filled. The priests know who is serving as liturgical ministers.
— Denise Cook, Summit Catholic (Silverthorne, CO)
People are able to sign up [to serve] on their own, which is great! Also saves LOTS of administrator time.
— Barbara Schumacher, Saint Thomas Episcopal Church (Hanover, NH)
MSP has put the volunteers in charge of their schedule, and they love the accountability it gives them through the reminders.
— Christine Butler, St. John Vianney (Lithia Springs, GA)
I love it that ministers can go online and put in their own "away" dates. That saves me a lot of time! I also really like the weekly reminders. That seems to have really helped with people just not showing up for their scheduled times.
— Marilee Provost, St. Patrick Church of Merna (Bloomington, IL)
Volunteers like the communication from our secretaries and schedules. We are communicating easier and able to request subs with ease. A pleasure working with MSP. Implementation was without a glitch.
— Larry Johnson, Broad Street Church of Christ (Lexington, TN)
Allows much more flexibility and fluidity among the volunteers. Keep up the excellent work!
— Nichole Buehrle, St. Vincent de Paul (Cape Girardeau, MO)
I used to have to sit down every single week and type up the weekly schedule and send it out to the program does it for me - automatically!! I always chuckle when ministers reply to me, thanking me for the reminder to serve...I get all the credit for this amazing program when the credit really belongs to MSP!
— Kitt O'Brien, St. John the Evangelist (Severna Park, MD)
Much easier to schedule, saves time and volunteers love having the reminders and online scheduling.
— Shirley Mangold, St. Bartholomew Roman Catholic Church (Manchester, MD)
This is definitely the best scheduling program I have used (over a 20 year period of scheduling ministers). The technical support has been very good! I like the online database and always go there first. I am usually able to find the answer I need there. When I have had to send in a question, I am pleased to receive a quick response. Thanks for offering a great product and making it so user friendly!!
— Susan Ratigan, St. Sabina Catholic Church (Belton, MO)
I am very happy to have found this product and enjoy the time savings it allows me in scheduling my ministers each week. The email feature is especially helpful when I complete the schedule and send it via email. It saves on time, supplies and postage. I don't think I could live without it!
— Cheri Peters, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church (Yardley, PA)
MSP has taken a lot of the workload off of staff, given volunteers more control over their availability, and reduced paperwork.
— Kelly Nasdeo, St. Michael Catholic Church (Worthington, OH)
This single software tool has totally changed how we manage the schedule. I actually look forward to preparing the schedule now! Thank you!
— John L. Davis, Sacred Heart Church (Chestertown, MD)
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I downloaded a trial copy of your software and found your program easy to load and use. I imported the volunteers, updated preferences, and created a schedule. I was amazed and pleasantly surprised how easy it was to create and edit.
— Mr. Kim, St. Ignatius Catholic Church (Mobile, AL)
MSP is a good tool. People really love the periodic reminders! That is the biggest gain
— Steve Rosera, Immaculate Conception Church (Albuquerque, NM)
One our favourite features is the Emailer. It's easy to let all of our volunteers know about an upcoming schedule, changes to a ministry, or any other new information we need to get to them. This feature has saved us a lot of time and is easy to use.
— Mathew White, Grace Bible Church (Holland Park, QLD, Australia)
This software is absolutely amazing and a tremendous work-saver! You appear to have thought of every possibility, and I would highly recommend it.
— Barbara McCarthy, Holy Trinity (West Harwich, MA)
I'm very impressed and pleased with your software. In comparison with what I'd done in the past, it was fabulous to simply click the 'Generate Schedule' button and there it was!
— Sara Skalle, Mount Calvary Lutheran Church (Acton, MA)
I've been very happy with your program from the beginning, and the new version 5 is just wonderful.
— Frank O'Dwyer, St. Eugene's Catholic Church, (Fox Point, WI)
People are happier about volunteering because the software works better and doesn't schedule them when they don't want to be or overlook people who want to serve.
— Mary Sutherland, Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Pullman, WA)
The acceptance from those using the system is overwhelmingly favourable. As ministers manage their own scheduling there is not a large overhead burden on the Parish Office. I have found the response from your support team to any queries or problems I have had to be excellent. Certainly up there with the leaders. Congratulations and thanks
— Vince Hughes, Sydney, Ku-ring-gai Chase Catholic Parish (Asquith, Australia)
People really love the swap request feature. They feel that it has cut back considerably on stress and frustration in scheduling.
— Jessica Nelson, Christ Community Church (Winter Haven, FL)
We love MSP! It's given me so much time back and the volunteers love the ease of use. Thanks!
— Kara Gwinn, Fellowship Denver Church (Denver, CO)
I must tell you again how impressed I am with your support and would gladly offer my endorsement to anyone who is on the fence about your program!!
— Cheryl Hogg, Christ Episcopal Church (New Bern, NC)
This software has been a great tool for us. Keep up the good work!
— Colleen Lucchetti, St. Jude (New Lenox, IL)
MSP has been such a tremendous help to me in my scheduling of servers, lectors, etc. in a parish with over 3100 families. I used to do it all manually! Thank you so much!
— Joy Tooley, Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Cicero, NY)
Thanks again so very much for your wonderful product. If you ever need a salesman, let me know!!!
— Mike Kiebel, St. Joseph Church (St. Joseph, MI)
Thank you for a great program. I'm spreading the word to the 160 churches in our denomination in SE Pennsylvania.
— Rob Davidson, PA
I am absolutely loving the program - it is fantastic!
— Kristine Kowalewski, St. Perpetua Church (Lafayette, CA)
It's so incredibly refreshing to be able to work with people who are interested in feedback, and take suggestions seriously - to whom customer service is a real commitment, not just a word. With so many ministry companies merging into big corporations, the loss of a personal touch makes this like working in a business instead of a church. There are a lot of reasons I choose to work in a church, and you and your company helps keep that alive for me.
— Kathy O'Brien, Our Lady of Sorrows Church (Vestal, NY)
I am very pleased with the capabilities and especially pleased with tech support. Tech support has been timely in responding and persistent in resolving my issues. Pleased we have made the choice to use MSP.
— Kenneth Donajkowski, St. Rose of Lima (Reno, NV)
We have fewer no-shows, and a larger number of people are filling in as subs (it used to be the same people being asked all the time). It is also much easier to schedule for Holy Days.
— Brian Bisig, St. Michael Church (Sharonville, OH)
It used to take me around 60 hours every quarter to do what MSP does in seconds.
— Deacon Peter Kennedy, St. James (Omaha, NE)
AMAZING!!! I love this program and the upgrade! All of a sudden my ministers are happy when it comes to dealing with the schedule!!! It has made scheduling go a lot smoother for me as well.
— Emily Hoemberg, Saint Ann's Catholic Church (Wadena, MN)
Since using [Ministry Scheduler Pro], making up each month's schedules has gotten so much easier and it helps give the volunteers a responsibility that they didn't have before. I send out a tentative schedule a week before I put the final one out and it gives the volunteers a chance to see it and let me know if I need to make adjustments.
— Connie Malloy, All Saints Catholic Church (Des Moines, IA)
There is not a situation that your programmers did not think of - I tried to find one and couldn't! Even the strangest scheduling requests made by my ministers were able to be fulfilled with your program. Thank you, Thank you!!!
— Jo Rita Lyle, St. Anne Church (Beaumont, TX)
Many of our volunteers have commented that they love being able to go in an request a sub and make changes to their record.
— Jane N., St. Paul Church (Westerville, OH)
MSP is a great program and easy to use. Tech support is wonderful when needed, they always get back to you with a solution if you have a problem.
— Peter Tepper, The Church of Saint Denis (Hopewell Junction, NY)
[MSP has] enabled our church members to take ownership of their schedule. It's WONDERFUL.
— Jocelyn Alford, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (Dublin, OH)
MSP is wonderful software. We love it.
— Fred L. Schoenhofer, Precious Blood Parish (Dayton, OH)
I am extremely pleased with Ministry Scheduler Pro. It has made my life much easier. At the touch of the keyboard, I have any and all information at my finger tips! It is an invaluable tool!
— Dorothy Renton, St. Joseph Church (Libertyville, IL)
MSP has increased efficient communication between volunteers and has decreased the number of "no shows".
— Joni Yribe, St. Patrick Catholic Church (Carlsbad, CA)
[MSP] has made it easier for volunteers to see their schedule and get reminders, trade, and get subs for services.
— Nathan Herb, St. Ann & St. Joseph Catholic Church (Fremont, OH)
I must say, your support team has done a wonderful job responding to my inquiries. This recent expansion of our volunteer base has generated a million unique challenges and your rapid replies have been tremendously helpful.
— Norm Chapman, St. Maurice Catholic Parish (Pittsburgh, PA)
The best part for me is the ability to put in people’s away dates far into the future, so I don’t have to keep a separate calendar and compare. I also love the ability for individuals to input their own information, though only about 50-60% are comfortable with that.
— Jamie Hardesty, Sacred Heart Parish (Elk Rapids, MI)
I love your program and the recent upgrades!
— Tom Galantowicz, St Philip Catholic Church (Franklin, TN)TN
Ministry Scheduler Pro is wonderful! A number of folks have told me how much they appreciate the email reminders. People are being much more reliable in showing up for their scheduled times. They've used the swap and sub features, too.
— Mary Malewitz, St. Mary Star of the Sea Church (Jackson, Michigan)
Your response to any problems I have had has been outstanding. I wish all software developers were like you folks.
— Dan Sullivan, St. Agatha Parish (Milton, MA)
Ministry Scheduler Pro has made addressing openings in the schedules a breeze. I think MSP's personalized messages are very important in obtaining responses. I just wanted to pass on my appreciation for the fantastic program and support system.
— Ken Olkkonen, Keweenaw Catholic Community (Calumet, MI)
Our Liturgical Ministers are THRILLED at the simplicity with which they can get their schedules, change their profiles and time off requests and request subs - all online! They can do it all themselves and take pride and responsibility for their Ministries! I LOVE MSP!!!
— Greg Lesko, Christ the Light of the World Parish (Duquesne, PA)
I love MSP. It is wonderful and easy to work with!!!
— Bill Barrette, St. Paul Catholic Church (Negaunee, MI)
I have worked for GE for 30+ years and so I'm accustomed to working with applications and user groups. I am VERY IMPRESSED with the quality, stability, and flexibility of this program.
— Tom Bigos, Church of the Immaculate Conception (Glenville, NY)
MSP has served our needs well since 2007 and we have been very satisfied with its capabilities and improvements over the years. My experience has been that the support team is knowledgeable, responsive and helpful. Any issues I've had were always quickly resolved.
— Bobbi Kinne, St. Mary Catholic Church (Oxford, OH)
Thank you for all your help. It has been wonderful working with you. Your support is the best!
— Bernadette Keaney, St. Bernadette Catholic Church (Port St. Lucie, FL)
I would be happy to be a reference for your product as any church would benefit from its use! Since the release of version 5, I am all the more impressed. The Web Terminal is an excellent addition to an already impressive product!
— Susan Dugary, Mother of Divine Providence Church (King of Prussia, PA)
I am very satisfied with MSP, especially in how it has enhanced my ministry by freeing up several hours of time that I can now devote to other sacramental responsibilities.
— Rev. Christopher S. Butera, Saint Thomas More Church (Allentown, PA)
Wonderful! Love it!!! Most of our parishioners are getting the hang of it. We have a few who are older and don't have email but we just print a schedule for those people. It has made such a difference in MY life. I will recommend it to anyone.
— Jennifer Glover, St. James Episcopal Church (Fairhope, AL)
It is much easier to get information to the volunteers. They have much more control over their schedules. Makes scheduling simpler and more reliable.
— France Kennedy, Catholic Community of St. John Neumann (Califon, NJ)
Our volunteers are becoming much more involved in the schedule instead of being passive. They are talking to each other more about their ministries, have volunteers who needs to change have one notification instead of 4 - 5 emails looking for a sub.
— Grace Terrett, St Bride's Anglican (Mississauga, ON)
It has greatly improved our scheduling system. We are a seminary, so we use semesters. Nearly all of our students are required to participate in chapel, which means we have a large list of people to schedule. MSP has saved us many hours of work.
— Shawn Strout, Virginia Theological Seminary (Alexandria, VA)
Our ministers have been able to communicate with one another and scheduling is no longer a stress. Thank you!
— Katherine Pallares, St Joseph (Placentia, CA)
MSP has helped volunteers to be more responsible for the times they are or are not available for the jobs they have volunteered for.
— Carol-Ann Zenger, St. John The Divine (Victoria, BC)
[MSP makes it] easier for ministers to sub into open positions, ask for subs and change availability [and] easier for me to keep track of which positions need coverage and who is taking whose place when. Ministers are still getting familiar with how to use MSP and setting up their profiles and getting the smartphone app, but those who "get" it, love it.
— Mary Bur, St. Joseph Parish (New Hope, MN)
MSP has made it much easier for me to schedule volunteers. I especially like knowing when volunteers are not available so I can schedule last minute volunteers easily by scrolling through the list of who is qualified and available for that ministry. It has saved me so much time rather than thinking about who might be willing to do it and calling several people before getting a yes.
— Jolanda Howe, Church of the Servant (Grand Rapids, MI)
We're very happy with your product. It's well worth the cost just for the postage we are saving every other month.
— Ernie Golnik, Sacred Heart Church (Vernon, CT)
I have been very happy with MSP. The technical support is amazing. I can always count on an answer to my questions, and I have had a lot of questions. I would recommend your product to anyone.
— Maureen Yantz, St. Margaret Church (Bel Air, MD)
The ease of sending weekly reminder e-mails from the software has kept communication and participation up. People are more responsible about serving or finding subs, especially since the Web Terminal makes it very easy to request for subs. There was resistance at first about changing from our old ways of scheduling to MSP, especially with the concern of leaving behind those parishioners who do not have internet access/e-mail. However, most people have been appreciative of how easy the Web Terminal is to use and how great it is to receive the e-mail reminders and other communications.
— Darin Art, St. Clare Church (Cincinnati, OH)
We are still rolling MSP out to all of the ministries, but it has done wonders for the Lector and Counter Ministries.
— Steve Otlowski, The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (Cleveland, OH)
This program is so slick. I write programs and I can not imagine how they got this to work so well.
— Volunteer at St. Jude Catholic Church (Baton Rouge, LA)
I just created my first schedule last week and am very happy with the tool! It has simplified my processes a great deal and I enjoy the minister engagement it enables.
— Gina DeWitt, St. Michael Catholic Church (Louisville, KY)
Volunteers have more control over their schedules and we have less no-shows. The reminders are very important and help people get subs when they realize they are scheduled to serve and then get a sub in time.
— Christine Wethman, Grace Lutheran Church (Durham, NC)
I've heard from many of my volunteers, they love using MSP. It's easy to learn, easy to use, and it's reduced the hassle of scheduling services, contacting people, etc.
— Peter Vanicelli, Christ the King Catholic Church (Ann Arbor, MI)
I have been using your program for some years and am very happy with the results! It is the best that is out there.
— Fr. Raymond Cambra, Sacred Heart Church (Fall River, MA)
I am really impressed with your rapid response and interest in your clients' issues. Thanks for your openness and true support.
— Deacon Mike Karnoski, St. Louis de Montfort (Oak Lawn, IL)
The computer savvy people love the online aspect of MSP. It is veryeasy for them to request subs and volunteer to fill spots.
— Kathy Steiner, St. Joseph's Church (Rush, NY)
The customer service and tech support team at MSP are amazing! Thank everyone involved for me for their prompt response when I cry for HELP when something is weird.
— Marianne Faulstich, St Louis Church (Clarksville, MD)
MSP puts the responsibility back on the volunteers to be responsible for their schedule. A whole lot less "babysitting" needing to be done to make sure everyone knows their schedule.
— Rebekah Elerick, Living Word Family Church (Naples, FL)
Volunteers are enjoying the program and learning how to respond to requests for subs, set up their own passwords, make adjustments to their profiles, etc. . . overall, it's been accepted pretty well. We have seen a reduction in the number of no-shows.... a very helpful improvement!
— Sue Vrana, St. Paul the Apostle Parish (Racine, WI)
Volunteers enjoy the features and convenience. Great program overall.
— Anthony Albence, St. Anthony of Padua Church (Wilmington, DE)
I really enjoy using the program, it has made my life so much less complicated.
— Rev. Craig Steimel, St. Joseph Catholic Church (Mason City, IA)
I love the Web Terminal. I am getting so many requests and changes to profiles. It is awesome.
— Claudette St. Amant, St. Jude Catholic Church (Baton Rouge, LA)
After using MSP for several months we are greatly satisfied with the results. The thoroughness of the software is impressive and the programmer's research into the many facets of scheduling requirements is apparent. I have had excellent response to questions and requests for information.
— Jim Kacker, St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church (Birmingham, AL)
MSP is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It is slick and delivers what it claims to deliver.
— Fr. Jim Crookston, Saint Rose of Lima (Altoona, PA)
The program is great (and it gets better with each update)! BUT the tech support is WONDERFUL!!
— Marianne Burkemper, St. Joseph Catholic Church (Manchester, MO)
[MSP] has allowed the entire staff to be aware of volunteer schedules. It allowed our church to streamline scheduling. It allowed volunteers to be more in control and proactive in their scheduling. It has saved a ton of time for the volunteer coordinator, which allowed more time to be focused on developing relationships.
— Sarah Ackers, Fauntleroy Church, UCC (Seattle, WA)
MSP has revolutionized the way we handle our scheduling and as the parish progresses into the technology world we are seeing more and more occasions where the scheduling capability can be of use.
— Dennis London, Saint Vincent de Paul (Huntington Beach, CA)
I love MSP! I just took over the scheduling at our parish, the previous person did it by hand and it took her 3-4 days. It has only taken me a couple of hours. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from our parishioners. Your help desk is awesome. Their response time is great. Thank you so much for this wonderful product!
— Shirley Mangold, St. Bartholomew Church (Manchester, Maryland)
This is absolutely the best program I've seen. It is exactly what your web site says.
— Lee Lowery, Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit (Alabaster, AL)
The Liturgy Committee and pastor are all so pleased with how things are working now.
— Jacki Huot, St. Pius V Church (Providence, RI)
You have made my job exciting and fun as opposed to challenging and frustrating. I know your just an email away and that really gives me confidence and assurance.
— Richard Bergemann, St Vincent De Paul Parish (Omaha, NE)
It's great to create a schedule for three months that only takes a few seconds. It used to take me all week with pencil to create a three month schedule for our parish.
— Doris Huber, St. Louis Parish (Nokomis, IL)
Gracias! Danke! Merci! Grazie! Thanks a million for your help. Your support team has always been there when I need you.
— Rose Marie Odea, St. Rose Church (East Hartford, CT)
Volunteers can now check their schedules on their own time. We have less paper usage, and less overlapping of schedules. "Swaps" to schedule can be made by the volunteers versus the coordinator having to find replacements, which is wonderful.
— Rani Laurel, Our Lady of Sorrows (Wahiawa, HI)
I really enjoy the Emailer. That is such a handy reminder for those who serve.
— Kris Jensen, Sunnyside Christian Reformed Church (Sunnyside, WA)
WOW - I didn't think I could like the program any more than I already did - but I was WAY wrong on that. The Web Terminal is great.
— John L. Davis, Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church (Chestertown, MD)
It was my frustration with other ministry schedulers that led me to search the web for your software; and I am so happy that I did. What would normally take me two days by hand took only one evening and this included inputting the data. Thank you so much for such a helpful product.
— Debbie Kostosky, Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, PA)
MSP pays for itself with the Emailer alone. Prior tousing MSP, every scheduling cycle we sent out an inquiry card and a hardcopy of the schedule. Now we accomplish the same thing using MSP's Emailerand Web Input and we save $0.82 each family per scheduling cycle, or $246.00a year. What a great deal!
— Fr. Jim Crookston, St. Rose of Lima (Altoona, PA)
I very much appreciate the customer service. When questions come up, your [support team] answers them quickly and easily.
— Allan Laino, D.M.A., St. Michael Poplar Springs (Mt. Airy, MD)
It is easier to coordinate the schedules now. We have 4 ministries on the scheduler now and are planning to add a fifth this month. It makes it much easier to make sure families are assigned together.
— Paula Coughlin, St. Mary's (Franklin, MA)
This is amazing software. I was apprehensive to take it on but it's very easy to use and I'm looking forward to seeing how things go over the upcoming year.
— Grace Terrett, St Bride's Anglican (Mississauga, ON)
I have been exceptionally pleased with your product. It has been extremely intuitive and easy to use. I have had no trouble understanding how the various processes work. What a wonderful program!
— Jennifer Parker, Holy Name of Mary Proto-Cathedral (Sault Ste. Marie, MI)
Our Lord has truly blessed your team with this great gift, the ability to come up with an absolutely powerful and easy to use scheduling system.
— Christian Langlois, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish (Webster, MA)
Outstanding software and phone support.
— David K. Sanger, St. Joseph Catholic Church (Traverse City, MI)
MSP has minimized the need to call several people to request a trade.
— Tom Lentz, St Gall Catholic Church (Elburn, IL)
MSP has saved so much time and money by not printing and mailing out schedules to our 478 ministers involved. I absolutely love the program. Its so user friendly.
— Claudette St. Amant, St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church (Baton Rouge, LA)
MSP has made things more convenient for volunteers. We have a higher rate of people showing up for their scheduled ministries than what we had before. I appreciate the time saved in using MSP as opposed to scheduling by hand, which our Church did prior.
— Lisa Fouts, Church of the Holy Spirit (Goddard, KS)
MSP has created a consistent platform across all ministries, reduced time for leaders, and it has made it much easier for parishioners to volunteer.
— Julie Smith, Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic Church (Sandy Springs, GA)
MSP is an incredible aid to getting volunteer ministers involved in the life of the parish. When I tell them that THEY decide how often they want to serve and THEY decide at which Masses they will serve, they are suddenly much more interested in becoming involved in liturgical ministries. Additionally, the fact that they can (and do) request substitutes when necessary saves me literally hours of work each month. I am not exaggerating when I say that using this software has saved me three to four full days of work each month. I cannot say enough positive things about this program!!
— Jeff Bush, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church (Atlanta, GA)
Wow, Every time I call in, everybody there is just so wonderful, I can tell you're all knowledgeable and you help me so much.
— Sharon Zubricky, St. Gregory the Great (Hamilton Township, NJ)
It has made scheduling less complicated.
— Betty Desjardins, Sacred Hearts Parish (Bradford, MA)
We went live with the Web Terminal this morning. I've received about 6 comments and they have ranged from positive to extremely positive. Within hours, two ministers added cell phone numbers to their personal data and one minister initiated three swap requests. I think the Web Terminal is wonderful.
— Deacon Fred Seibold, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Crofton, MD)
MSP has helped us to become more accurate in our stewardship efforts, it allows us to keep accurate count of "no shows," and it is easier to oversee from an administrative perspective.
— Elizabeth Jackson, St. Raphael The Archangel Catholic Church (Louisville, KY)
People like you might even help restore my often frazzled faith in computer support!
— Joe Barone, Carrollton First Christian Church (Carrollton, MI)
I am especially grateful for the ability of our volunteers to submit and accept sub requests themselves, which are generated automatically through email. This allows for my staff to devote their time to other tasks rather than being burdened with placing calls and sending emails to other volunteers for substitutions. In addition, it is very helpful that our volunteers are more in control of setting their own preferences and entering their unavailability for service. This likewise takes away many hours of work from my staff each month and each week.
— Father Michael Weston, National Shrine (Washington, DC)
I love your software; it's amazing! We just increased our service times and ministries by a lot, and it works so smoothly; great!
— Claire F. Gmachl, St. Paul Church (Princeton, NJ)
The user manual, videos and resources on the website have made it really easy to learn [MSP]. And the couple of times I've emailed for assistance, the replies have been prompt and always helpful!! It's made the task of being the new admin much easier, thanks for that!
— Jennifer Dombrowski, Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church (Cary, IL)
Great product and has made it so much easier to manage the Altar server ministry for our large parish. We are going to use it for our Eucharistic Minister and Lector ministries as well.
— Victor Morvillo, St Joseph (Staten Island, NY)
I'm loving it. It's so easy to use, and every time I have called with a question, it is quickly answered. Thank you!
— Anne Savoie, Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church (Prosper, TX)
People are much more engaged in their schedules now.
— Fr. Jared, St. John's Episcopal Church (Grand Haven, MI)
I do the schedules for a parish of 1696 families and am currently scheduling over 250 volunteers in Liturgical Ministries. I have downloaded a 30 day trial of your software and love it.
— Rosemary Hyman, St. Therese Catholic Church (Mooresville, NC)
Overall, in my 10+ years of experience with MSP, this has been unquestionably the most stable and reliable program I have ever used.
— Philip Baier, Saint John the Evangelist (Naples, FL)
Thank you again for a great product, and great tech support!
— Dan DiGuglielmo, St. Edmond's Church (Rehoboth Beach, DE)
Thank you for all your help and support. It's rare to find a company that really wants to help their clients solve their problems.
— Diana Wolf, St. Rose Parish (Perrysburg, OH)
[It's] much easier to get subs! Reminders have meant fewer misses.
— Pamela Smith, St. Paul's (Indianapolis, IN)
With MSP, ministers are taking more of an ownership of their ministries, asking for subs, accepting responsibility for the ministry to which they have been called.
— Brian Garland, St. Jude (South Bend, IN)
We are a recent subscriber to Ministry Scheduler Pro. It is easy and we are very happy with the results. For the new user the technical support is immediate and thorough.
— Father Joseph LaMorte, Holy Trinity (Poughkeepsie, NY)
The computer savvy people love the online aspect of MSP. It is veryeasy for them to request subs and volunteer to fill spots.
— Greg Lesko, Christ the Light of the World Parish (Duquesne, PA)
MSP has [created] a more open system, rather than one based on 'who one knows.
— Fr. Pier Giorgio, St. Joseph (New York City, NY)
Thank you so much for your kind help. Ministry Scheduler Pro is the best program I have ever used and particularly suited to our needs. It was simple yet capable of doing all the scheduling I needed.
— Pastor Joel Nason, Heritage Free Will Baptist Church (Laconia, NH)
There are several reasons why I am so excited about MSP:1. Several volunteers were getting double booked serving in more than one ministry.2. The focus of coordinators was to schedule and to make sure everyone showed up. MSP takes care of that.3. The focus for the coordinators is changing from the scheduling details, to ministry details, ie, how we greet, usher etc. and how to improve/develop our ministries of hospitality!
— Lisa Dismore, Apex United Methodist Church (Apex, NC)
I've been using Ministry Scheduler Pro for a few years now and I just love it. Your technical assistance has also been outstanding.
— Tony Szczuka, St. Martin De Porres Church (Hazelwood, MO)
A wider variety of individuals are able to be scheduled based on many, varied, complex schedules.
— Kirsten Rotz, Saint Mary's University of Mineisota (Winona, MN)
We had hundreds of ministers leave because of the frustration level with the previous program. It has been a night and day difference with MSP. Today we are quickly growing. Our staff and parishioners are definitely happier than they were before. We cannot begin to express what a wonderful turn this has been for our parish.
— Charles Butler, Prince of Peace Catholic Community (Houston, TX)
A majority of the ministers provide their unavailable dates via the web feature which saves me a great amount of time. Finding replacements is also simplified.
— Pat Cote, St. Catherine of Siena (Ithaca, NY)
Everyone loves the new system! My volunteers are so much happier, love the app and easiness of how we do things now. The previous program was being done away with (it was through the Archdiocese) which is one of the main reasons we switched. We are so much happier with this!
— Amber Grunder, St Bartholomew the Apostle Church (Katy, TX)
I love this software. I went from consulting notebooks, scraps of paperleft on my desk, telephone messages that were convoluted and unclear,and lists upon lists upon lists to your clear, efficient and concisesoftware. What a blessing! Thank you!
— Bonnie Engelhardt, Most Holy Trinity (East Hampton, NY)
[MSP has changed participating in ministry] in a very positive way. It is easy to use and the staff and volunteers love it.
— Cissy Henderson, St. Mary's-on-the-Highlands Episcopal Church (Birmingham, AL)
I have worked with four different programs and a few beta programs and MSP is by far the best.
— Bernard Acker, St John the Baptist Catholic Church (Madison, AL)
I love the email option. It reminds the forgetful ministers (including myself) that they are scheduled for the upcoming week. Or, I can use it to get a messages out to specific ministries, such as our altar servers to remind them that their sign-up slips for our annual trip to a local amusement park are due.
— Sarah Blood, Saint Mary of Grace (Meadville, PA)
I think your customer support is FABULOUS!!! I always feel that your staff has the patience of Saints. They are VERY knowledgeable and extremely helpful. MSP has been wonderful for us and to us.
— Jackie Jocewicz, Resurrection Catholic Parish (Green Bay, WI)
I am very pleased with your software and am amazed at the unending new iterations that come into play for scheduling services. The Web Terminal addition has been a Godsend--literally and figuratively!
— Deacon Dan Joyce, St. Joseph Cathedral (Jefferson City, MO)
[MSP] has eased the frustration of one or two people doing all the scheduling.
— Teresa Carter, St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral (Buffalo, NY)
It's an amazing program - so user friendly for all (volunteers of every age and skill set as well as office/administrative staff).? It saves me over 4 hours/month in scheduling and revising schedules and last-minute calls to fill substitute needs.
— LeAnne Scheibal, St. Cecilia Church (Glen Carbon, IL)
MSP has made it so much easier to schedule and for volunteers to find subs.
— Maureen Murphy, St. Patrick (Staten Island, NY)
I have to say that I am very impressed with the personal attitude that comes from your company, and by the fact that you called to ask how I was doing with the program. MSP is a wonderful program, and I'm enjoying playing with it.
— Joe Offer, St. Teresa of Avila (Auburn, CA)
It has improved their satisfaction of volunteering.
— Tom Collins, Our Lady of Ransom (Niles, IL)
Our volunteers are much more comfortable volunteering because they have a method to find replacements when they are unavailable.
— Boyd Fenton, New Life Community Church (Aurora, CO)
MSP is one of the best programs I've ever used -- ever. It's very user friendly and very flexible. I have not been able to stump it. Everything I've tried to do, it will do!
— David Loeffler, St. Agnes Church (Sellersville, PA)
MSP is working out just great for us. We especially appreciate the ability to synchronize our data with PDS and the Emailer function!
— Lorraine Doering, Church of St. Thomas More (Oceanside, CA)
I’m really liking Ministry Scheduler Pro. It has saved me from the endless time that it takes to manually make the schedule, especially since I did not have the spare time to do it the last six months.
— Dawn White, St. Luke's Episcopal Church (Anchorage, KY)
Thank you once again for all of your help. MSP is working like a charm, and continues to make my life and job so much easier every day I use it.
— Margie Whyte, St. Bruno School (Whittier, CA)
I've been making/managing the schedule for the liturgical ministers for Church of Saint Mary. I think MSP is going great! It has been great to have our schedule online with live updates. I'm still in a learning period of figuring everything out, but the people that I've e-mailed with the Help Desk are extremely helpful and answer all my questions exactly. The web's frequently asked questions are very helpful too. I've gotten lots of positive feedback from the volunteers who like the new system and are open to the changes that have come from the schedule and sign-ins. So far, so good--MSP is working out great!
— Betsy Brown, Church of Saint Mary (Tulsa, OK)
I am one of your biggest fans! Our 3 Linked parishes in Pennington NJ have definitely been able to grow and organize our ministries using MSP. Keep up the good work!
— Joann Held, St. James & St Alphonsus & St George (Pennington, NJ)
Allows for the volunteers to have direct access to their personal ministry schedule.
— Christine Regan, Saint Albert the Great (Huntingdon Valley, PA)
MSP made the process better and easier for both our scheduler and our volunteers. It is an excellent system with excellent support.
— Steve Shewbrooks, St. Matthew's Catholic Church (Jacksonville, FL)
You have a very robust product in MSP. I was surprised at how capable the software is. That's coming from someone who spent over 40 years in the IT business.
— Scott Cornell, Saint Agnes Parish (West Chester, PA)
The ministers are more involved so there are less issues. They own their schedules rather than complaining about them!
— Wendy Golob, St. Joseph Parish (St. Joseph, MI)
I have to say that I am very impressed by MSP, it really does save an awful lot of time (and sanity!).
— Stephen Jennings, Saint Peter and Saint Paul (Northamptonshire, UK)
The more we use MSP the more pleased we are with your product. We also appreciate your fast response to our problems and information requests. It is rare, these days, to find a vendor that is so attentive and responsive to their clients problems and requests.
— Jim Kacker, St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church (Birmingham, AL)
I am amazed at all that MSP can do and your company keeps adding more to it!
— Ken Livaudais, St. Rita Parish (Harahan, LA)
Thank you for an extremely helpful product!
— Matthew Ficarra, Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne (Phoenix, AZ)
Being a bit slow at learning technology, there are a few things I'm still in the process of learning. It is so very, very helpful to be able to pick up the phone and call when I have a question and have it actually answered by a real person! Numerous times my pastor has heard me say, 'This is one of the best investments our parish has ever made.'
— Mary Malewitz, St. Mary Star of the Sea Church (Jackson, Michigan)
The reliability of people being there has greatly improved, both because it is easier for them to update when they are available and it's easy to send reminders to only those who will be serving. The email and posting feature alone is worth the program - the scheduling part and automatic swaps are an awesome bonus.
— Jaye Barnett, Church of the Incarnation (Dallas, TX)
The volunteer participation through the web terminal has been working out great. I love that people can request & fill sub positions so easily. Also, MSP has been wonderful for eliminating scheduling conflicts and keeping track of "can't serve dates".
— Ann Dardis, St. Henry's Church (Perham, MN)
Wow, you weren't kidding about not having to buy updated software! This program and your team are wonderful and never cease to amaze me.
— Kelly Barth, St Leo Catholic Church (Omaha, NE)
We just launched the Web Terminal portion of the MSP program,and after just one week, it is already going great. I am amazed at all the web forms that are being automatically processed.
— Chris Sepersky, Divine Mercy Parish (South Milwaukee, WI)
Your program is very useful and well worth the money!!
— Bobbi Kinne, St. Mary Catholic Church (Oxford, OH)
The ministers love MSP - the sacristans love that they can see a live update on anyone who has requested substitutes. The volunteers love that they can request subs easily and that they have more of a say in when they are scheduled.
— Angie Weigand, Saints John and Paul (Sewickley, PA)
I used to do the scheduling with Excel and I had to accommodate all of the special requests of 200+ ministers manually. Your software has saved me at least 16-20 hours per schedule, and allowed me to focus my time on the Liturgical activities of our parish.
— Arthur O'Sullivan, Saint Dominic Parish (Oakville, ON)
Thank you for your great support and continued updating of your product. It is by far the best Ministry Scheduler I have used.
— Fr. Ed Brodnick, St. Joseph Church (Crescent Springs, KY)
Now I can make my schedules in less than 5 minutes. I enjoy your product. Worth every penny!
— Chad Gleaves, First Baptist East (Lawton, OK)
Scheduling is so much easier. Volunteers can easily find subs. People are more likely to show up when scheduled because of the reminders. It is easier to communicate with the volunteers.
— Mary Beth Jambor, Church of St. Mary of the Lake (White Bear Lake, MN)
I've spent about 8 hours testing out different online and desktop volunteer management solutions and this one by far is the best one for Catholic ministry that I've seen.
— Caitlin Morais, Christ the King Parish (Los Angeles, CA)
[MSP] has reduced email clutter and volunteer frustration.
— Deacon Peter Kennedy, St. James (Omaha, NE)
We have seen an increase in volunteers and their flexibility because of many of the automated functions such as swap and scheduling requests.
— Scheduler, St. Angela Merici (Pacific Grove, CA)
I am very happy with Ministry Scheduler Pro as it is saving us hours of time that would otherwise be used to create monthly schedules. We have had some snags along the way, but have found solutions with the tech support and they are nothing more than what one would expect with changing programs/processes for scheduling.
— Fr. Christopher Tipton, St. Leo the Great Parish (Fairfax, VA)
I have to say that MSP has had the best technical support I've ever received from a company.
— Mary Williams, Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Reedsburg, WI)
When I started using the program in March, after a short learning curve, I began to utilize the Emailer feature. Now the ministers look forward to receiving their weekly reminders and are getting spoiled. It's an amazing feature and it really works! The entire scheduling process is much more organized than in the past and we have much less confusion and more co-operation. It's so easy to adjust the original schedule with changes.
— Millie Roig, Holy Faith Catholic Church (Gainesville, FL)
You have an excellent product that has clearly been designed by people familiar with church ministries. It has become an invaluable resource for us to do our scheduling.
— Dan DiGuglielmo, St. Edmond's Parish (Rehoboth Beach, DE)
We have a year with MSP now and I can’t say enough about the help from you technicians for using it. The webinars are also helpful.
— Gary Starck, Nativity Blessed Virgin Mary (Buffalo, NY)
The program continues to work so well I can't believe I ever did it by hand! We only have a small group of 120 altar servers, but MSP is a Godsend. Thank you so much for such a superior product!
— Margie Whyte, St. Bruno Parish (Whittier, CA)
MSP has made participating in ministry great. People can log in and make swaps, which we were doing manually. They can also enter the dates they will be unavailable, which we used to do for them, so it saves us time.
— Amy Malley, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Hastings, MN)
I have been looking at software for ministry scheduling for years. Every six months or so I'd do an internet search or try something from magazines. I am very impressed with this program. It really is as easy as it says. Nothing else I've seen comes close.
— Lee Lowery, Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit (Alabaster, AL)
This software has surpassed all of my expectations. The flexibility and control of the scheduling and the emailing capability is excellent.
— Jaime Quinn, St. John Neumann Catholic Church (Powhatan, VA)
Volunteers have more control over their schedule! They can make changes and I do no have to weed through hundreds of emails. I no longer have the possibility of missing an email and end up not having Lectors for a Mass.
— Nora McCormick, St. Andrew the Apostle (Clifton, VA)
I have been getting aquainted with the trial version of MSP for nearly a week. I can't believe my eyes. This is so simple. What else can I say except Thank You.
— Danita Coco, Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Moreauville, LA)
MSP has helped the volunteers be much more in control of their schedule and thus led to a lot happier volunteers.
— Lisa Cahoy, St. Joseph' Catholic Church (Moorhead, MN)
It helps to know when people are not available to serve because they don't get scheduled and then have to find a sub for them. If there are holes in the schedule for a weekend we know about them ahead of time and start looking for volunteers as they come into Mass.
— Sandy Grandy, St. Pius X Parish (Grandville, MI)
THANK YOU!! God has truly blessed me with your awesome software. You have done a great job, and have saved me hours of weekend time.
— Christian Langlois, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish (Webster, MA)
I LOVE this program, has saved me hours upon hours of frustration and time! What did I ever do without it??!!
— Margie Whyte, St. Bruno Catholic Church (Whittier, CA)
I am just starting to use the Emailer. I practiced with one minister who thought it was great. Ministers have remarked to me how much more professional our new approach is (since we started using MSP).
— Susan M Hill, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church (Lebanon, PA)
MSP is amazing. I am very impressed with the functionality. I have a degree in information systems, so I know what it took to program it.
— Tom McDonnell, St. Damian Parish (Westland, MI)
Your responsiveness and quality of service was one of my primary reasons for choosing your company. You were responsive even during my trial period and it was very impressive.
— Dorothy DeLuca, Mary, Mother of God (Hillsborough , NJ)
[MSP] has made my task of scheduling less time consuming! I do this as a volunteer position -- I am not part of the [paid] parish staff.
— Candas Konop, Holy Ghost (Chippewa Falls, WI)
I have produced two quarterly schedules to date and have received rave reviews from our ministers.
— Joe Sopron, St. Kieran parish (Chicago Heights, IL)
MSP has made the ministers more involved in filling in their own conflicts and seeking subs when needed. I think they feel more control (in a good way).
— Anastasia Nicklaus, St. Edward Catholic Church (Waterloo, IA)
With the email reminders, we have less no-shows and people are letting me know when they can't serve.
— Marie Felix, Immaculate Heart of Mary (Belmont, CA)
The volunteers seem happier as there are no more double scheduling withMSP since it keeps track of everything for me.
— Kathy Gunn, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Woodstock, GA)
[MSP] has generally made my life very easy and most volunteers are enjoying it.
— Debbie Holmes, St. Albert Parish, St. (Albert, AB)
I have been working with my pastor on this software the past 7 months to learn it knowing he would move on, and I have to say, it's excellent/user friendly software!
— Bob Polich, St. Thomas Aquinas (Jamaica Plain, MA)
I've got to tell you that this is so far superior from what we've been using that I kick myself for not finding it sooner. Congratulations on a job well done.
— Rory Cooney, St. Anne Catholic Community (Barrington, IL)
It has given a lot more flexibility to our volunteers and brought their scheduling out of the Dark Ages into the 21st century!
— Ed Brands, Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish (Vancouver, WA)
I have just used your software for the first time and I have to admit it is amazing! It was simple and did the job quickly and efficiently.
— Lee Ann Folder, St. Joseph Catholic Church (Chatham, IL)
The support for MSP is fantastic. I have been very pleased with the support and the software program itself.
— Jeff Hirvela, SS Peter and Paul Catholic Church (Saginaw, MI)
This program has been a huge benefit to our ministries, and the flexibility to have another staff person use my program if I'm unavailable is invaluable!
— Lori Vernon, Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish (Grand Rapids, MI)
The support staff for MSP is fantastic.
— Joyce Evans, St. Frances Cabrini (Tuscon, AZ)
Volunteers have become more engaged and take ownership of their ministry.
— David Dreher, Saint Kilian Parish (Cranberry Township, PA)
You are the BEST web support group I have ever encountered.
— Mary Williams, Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Reedsburg, WI)
I love the autonomy the parishioners have with their schedules.
— Marie Ward, Pastoral Associate, St. Patrick Church (Kansas City, MO)
Everyone is amazed at the power of this software and how easy life will be from a scheduling standpoint.
— Julie Wiant, Saint Joseph Church (Downingtown, PA)
Incredible Product. Please keep up the great work.
— Keith D'Anna, Mother Seton Parish (Germantown, MD)
Today we synced MSP with our parish database and it came across beautifully. It makes me want to go out there and kiss somebody's feet! If I wasn't so busy I'd sign up to sell it.
— Carol Lemelin, St. Ronald Parish (Clinton Township, MI)
MSP has made it easier to sign up new volunteers. It provides us with a quicker method of finding subs for volunteers. We now have a more efficient method of recruiting volunteers for special liturgies and programs. We have drastically less instances where we have "no shows" of volunteers as a result of the automated reminders.
— Victor Valle, Church of the Epiphany (North Chesterfield, VA)
People love the email reminders, seeing the services they are scheduled for at a glance, and the ability to request subs.
— Paul Bresciani, St. Bartholomew (Cincinnati, OH)
Our Unlimited License for MSP has been in effect since 2005. We have been utilizing the power of the program on our home computer since we purchased the software and we love it.
— Deacon Kevin Mastellon, St. Patrick's Church (Watertown, NY)
The support is second to none, they can usually tell me what to do, or my suggestion is included in the next update.
— Jim Clauer, Holy Cross Parish (Deerfield IL)
I've been working with software vendors for 30 years (in another career) and I think you guys provide a great product at a very reasonable price. Good work!
— Linda Hilton, St. Katharine Drexel Parish (Wolfeboro, NH)
MSP makes it easy to see where there is a need and creates more of a sense of community.
— Maria Marsh, Saddleback Newport Mesa (Costa Mesa, CA)
This is my first schedule. I just heard about your product less than a month ago and I have moved from another scheduler to this one. Wow!! That is an unbelievable, great product.
— Howard Whelden, Holy Redeemer Parish (Chatham, MA)
MSP support is awesome. Thanks for your work!
— Jeff Fleming, St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church (Dillon, MT)
MSP has gotten all the volunteers involved. They stop me periodically to tell me how much they love it, how easy it is to use and they love having access on their phones and tablets.
— Lisa Wetterich, Mother of God (Convington, KY)
The email reminder feature has been widely appreciated by the volunteers. Also, once parishioners and clergy get used to this system of scheduling, it promotes both to check our calendars and plan ahead. We are glad we have the MSP subscription!
— Father Mark Hoffman, St. Mark / Mt. Calvary Catholic Churches (Erie, PA)
MSP is the best!
— Bob Bazzoli, Our Mother of Consolation (Philadelphia, PA)
MSP has saved me a LOT of time!
— Ernie Golnik, Sacred Heart Church (Vernon, CT)
I REALLY LIKE THIS PROGRAM. It really is quite easy to use and works quickly. I polled my liturgical ministers about some of my concerns -- mainly consecutive week assignments -- there were actually no concerns on their part. Alleluia!
— Lenora Seitz, St. Joseph Parish (Lyons, WI)
Volunteers now can check their schedule at a touch of swipe or button on their smart phones. They enter the date they are not available and makes it easier for unnecessary swap requests. First time I have not had any swap requests for two weeks. It's GREAT!
— Emmy Yandall, Saint Isidore Church (Yuba City, CA)
It’s hard to remember since we’ve been closed for three months, but when everyone was still actively involved, it seemed like the volunteers were taking more ownership of their ministry and the scheduling process. Many of them used MSP effectively to get subs and I didn’t have to get involved at all. It has clearly given me all the tools I need to efficiently manage all the volunteers and produce monthly schedules. Also, it is so much easier than I ever thought possible!
— Terry Ratcliff, Sacred Heart Cathedral (Davenport, IA)
It's really nice not to have to spend 2-3 weeks putting together a schedule.
— Kathy O'Brien, Our Lady of Sorrows Church (Vestal, NY)
It is one place for every role. The subbing process is easy and immediate, needing no back and forth. I love this program and used it at several other churches before bringing it to my current church. It accommodates both easy auto-scheduling and allows folks to step in when they can.
— Julie Hinz, Grace Lutheran Church (River Forest, IL)
Thanks for always providing quick responses! Your customer service/help desk is outstanding.
— Sam Spink, St. Vincent de Paul (Austin, TX)
We love it! It takes the responsibility and time burden off the scheduler and empowers the liturgical ministers by allowing them to control their own schedules.
— Candace Corrado, St. Mary of the Lakes Church (Medford, NJ)
I just want to say thank you for your support and patience as I worked through this consolidation of churches in MSP. Your prompt responses and spot-on fixes were invaluable!
— Rita Gurganus, The Parishes of Oakmont, Plum and Verona (Pittsburgh, PA)
Your product has made our ministry scheduling very easy with just a little up front work.
— James Melton, Holy Cross Catholic Church (Cuba, MO)
Makes my job sooo much easier!
— Anne Birmingham, St. Jude the Apostle (Jacksonville, AR)
As we progress along with your MSP program, I get more excited. We launched the Emailer last night and have gotten some great responses!!
— Mrs. Bea Lamb, Saint Louis King of France Catholic Church (Austin, TX)
[MSP] has been literally a godsend! Your support staff has been quick to answer questions and help shape the software to our needs. We would recommend it to ANYONE!
— Tom Fitzhugh, Christ Church Cathedral (Houston, TX)
I'm so glad that I updated my MSP program! The latest version of MSP has some great features that I really enjoy.
— Joseph Schmidt, St. Mary Catholic Church (Marietta, OH)
With MSP, there is less time to schedule and more participation! We love MSP! Thank you for helping with the transition.
— Melissa Tolbert, Concord Road Church of Christ (Brentwood, TN)
MSP has made volunteering easier for a larger group of congregants. People who had not served before now readily sign up. We also have a much lower instance of no-shows as compared to when we scheduled manually.
— Allison Bentley, Rejoice! Lutheran Church (Omaha, NE)
You have a feature-packed program that has been very effective for us.
— Mike Treanor, Church of the Immaculate Conception (Glenville, NY)
The tech support staff responds promptly with questions or concerns. Also, I appreciate [MSP staff] for "checking in" to see how things are going and offering suggestions when I have questions.
— Sue Vrana, St. Paul the Apostle Parish (Racine, WI)
Thanks for your great work with MSP. It is a big help to our ministry.
— Dan Roesch, Lincoln Berean Church (Lincoln, NE)
With MSP, our volunteers feel more in control of their schedule. This program makes it much easier to cancel assignments and volunteer for open positions each week. Both our ministers and administrators love this program!
— Patti Such, St. Bernadette Parish (Prospect, KY)
Finding this software and your company via a simple web search was a very happy accident.
— David M. Dunst, St. Michael Church (Brunswick, MI)
MSP is a BIG improvement over the other scheduling programs I've used and I appreciate your prompt responses to my prior support problems.
— Deacon Thomas Sabol, St. Timothy Catholic Church (Los Angeles, CA)
MSP is such a great scheduler system. I would recommend it to anyone who asks.
— Joe Kest, St. Patrick of Heatherdowns Church (Toledo, OH)
MSP is amazing and feedback from users has been great! It is so easy to use that even some who are not web users are willing to try it. I find the blog emails very helpful as I am also learning as I go.
— Sherry Braegelmann, Church of Saint Boniface (Cold Spring, MN)
Your software is one powerful, versatile, fabulous tool. Did I mention that it looks the pandemic in the eye and says, "You do not mess up the communications within the community of our church’s ministers?" COVID19, in your darkness, we have become a significantly more close-knit community of light and hope.
— Fr. Jim Crookston, St. John Gualbert Cathedral (Johnstown, PA)
We researched area churches to see what they use for scheduling - turns out we are the last one in the area to start using MSP! Wonderful reviews from those already using the program certainly helped make the decision to use MSP. So far, we have had a very positive reception by current volunteers, fewer no shows, and volunteers love the ease of finding a sub.
— Cheryl Coyle, Church of the Ascension & St. Bernard (Norwood Young America, MN)
You guy have AWESOME tech support!!
— Joan Albert, St. Patrick Catholic Church (Meridian, MS)
I love, love, love that only the people I am sending an email to come up for me to preview! What a great update to the software!
— Amy Auner, New Day Christian Church (Weston, WI)
Thanks for a GREAT program!
— John L. Davis, Sacred Heart (Chestertown, MD)
I was about ready to pull my hair out with the scheduling situation so I was tickled pink to have your program take care of that.
— Candice Beduhn, Living Word Lutheran Church (Grapevine, TX)
Allowing the volunteers to manage their own availability and make swaps easily has led to an almost-100% attendance rate.
— Liz Wilson, Sacred Heart of Jesus - St. Patrick Parish (Eau Claire, WI)
I am able to complete the scheduling process in half the time. Volunteers love being able to enter their away dates and view their schedules online or on the apps. The reminders are very convenient.
— Cherie Nutter, St. Mary Cathedral (Gaylord, MI)
Thanks for a great program.
— Christopher Sepersky, Divine Mercy Parish (South Milwaukee, WI)
There is always a period of adjusting to it both on the admin side and volunteer side but it is beneficial having an impartial scheduling program.
— Tony DaCosta, St. John XXIII Catholic Church (Fort Myers, FL)
I love your newest version of Ministry Scheduler Pro.
— Marianne Rhoads, St Augustine (Andover, MA)
I don't think we could survive without MSP! I love it so much. It's very good at the things it does. The app works very well and I and volunteers love the full schedule to see who's going to be serving at each Mass.
— Deacon Michael Januszewski, Divine Savior Parish (Downers Grove, IL)
At this time, everything is going great with MSP. It's my favorite church office software! I really like the new poll feature and the overall new look of the announcements pane. Very nice features!
— Marcie Logsdon, Sacred Heart (Emporia, KS)
Many volunteers find using the App or Web Portal a snap and appreciate the email reminders about their service times.
— Andrew Finney, St. Thomas the Apostle (Coeur d'Alene, ID)
The upgrade is great. This is a great piece of software. Keep it up!
— Linda Armstrong, St. Mary's Catholic Church (Plantersville, TX)
This job would be very difficult without MSP! Thanks.
— Susan Scott, Nativity Parish (Menlo Park, CA)
We have some volunteers who like to serve as often as possible. They are eager to fill in for those who request substitutes. It is fun for me to watch that happen as the automatic emails go out, without any time or effort on my part. Also, I have been able to complete my quarterly schedule more timely so that volunteers have more advance notice of their new scheduling.
— Ministry Scheduler (Baton Rouge, LA)
MSP is a very helpful product. The email tool gets significant use. Thank you.
— Chad Monteith, Calvary Apostolic Church (Denver, CO)
Thank you to MSP again for making it really easy. What used to take hours before, and after, is now a few minute job... and everyone thinks I've worked so hard!
— Anonymous Scheduler (Denver, NC)
As long as I have used this software the support has always been supportive.
— Kevin Rupp, St. Joseph Catholic Church (Hays, KS)
This program is just too good to be true!!!
— Kevin Rupp, St. Joseph Church (Hays, KS)
Keep up the awesome work! Your software is great!
— Steve Schmitt, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Las Vegas, NV)
I appreciate that MSP is offered with both web version and mobile version. I especially love the recently added new feature that allows administrator access on the mobile app.
— Laura Rau, Christ the King Church (Omaha, NE)
Thanks for all your help and your quickness in responding to our questions.
— Darlene Niebruegge, Ss. Peter & Paul Church (Waterloo, IL)
The volunteers love this, and the ability to keep everyone informed real time is priceless. So much less stressful for all involved!
— Lisa Lane, Holy Name of Jesus (Watertown, SD)
Thank you for making a scheduling program that actually works for churches.
— Debbie Cole, St. Catherine of Siena Church (Orange Park, FL)
We have had nothing but positive feedback from our ministers. Your website resources are great and very user friendly. This is the program that I've always dreamed of using!! I would highly recommend this program!!
— Shawn Hallman, Cathedral of St. Andrew (Little Rock, AR)
MSP has empowered the volunteers at St. John. Since implementation, people have taken greater responsibility for their ministry, engaged more deeply in preparation, and given more energy to the work they are doing on Sunday.
— Ty Henderson, St. John Lutheran Church & School (New Orleans, LA)
MSP has been a Godsend! It makes it easier for volunteers to make their own schedules and find subs. And it makes setting up schedules and finding subs a breeze!
— Andrea Menta, Reformation Lutheran Church (Media, PA)
Congratulations on your magnificent new release of MSP.
— Deacon Bob Walling, St Francis of Assisi (Bend, OR)
I love using your program! Keep doing what you are doing... you make my job easier!
— Lisa Wetterich, Mother of God (Convington, KY)
Scheduling our volunteers for Masses is about 90% faster and easier with MSP. I used to dread the quarterly scheduling process and it would leave me totally drained at the end. And there would still be mistakes in the schedule despite my best efforts to take everything into account. Thank you!
— Ministry Scheduler (Baton Rouge, LA)
I'm having a great time learning and using this program!
— Mary Dupuis, Holy Spirit Parish (Great Falls, MT)
Everything has been going extremely well with Ministry Scheduler Pro. It has decreased no-shows and increased communication in a dramatic way! I have people that I thought I was going to be removing from the schedule because they never showed up and, now, they are showing up regularly and communicating with me on their scheduling needs. The easy means of requesting a substitute has meant that people are asking for subs instead of not showing up (and not letting me know they wouldn?t be there). It has also significantly decreased the time spent on scheduling, so that time can be spent on other activities!
— Sherri Hunt, St. Pius X Catholic Church (Urbandale, IA)
MSP averted a situation where we would have had no volunteers assisting in the Christmas service. At the last minute, one volunteer who was scheduled to fill several roles backed out of his assignments. I sent out an appeal and within a few hours the roles were filled. Without MSP I would have had to make several phone calls until I found someone to fill in.
— Christine Wethman, Grace Lutheran Church (Durham, NC)
I have been evaluating Ministry Scheduler Pro, and it looks fantastic.
— Rev. Andrew P. Carrozza, Immaculate Conception (Stony Point, NY)
People can change their profiles, edit their own information and pick up any scheduled slot that is not filled. Less work for office staff. Scheduling is a breeze, plus, we were manually creating sign in sheets, and being able to print them ready to go is awesome! Wish you had a program for scheduling facilities!
— Dani Shirley, Incarnation Catholic Church (Collierville, TN)
MSP has made it so now members are able to assign themselves in to services that works in to their individual schedules minimizing the number of people needing to be auto scheduled.
— Randy Ratekin, Windsor Heights Lutheran Church (Windsor Heights, IA)
Keep up the great work! I am SO HAPPY with the software and the service that I really wouldn't change a thing.
— Beth Wacek, St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Menomonie, WI)
The volunteers LOVE being able to request a sub without having to email a group or me. I love it because it is so fast!
— Nora McCormick, St. Andrew the Apostle (Clifton, VA)
This past weekend I got about 120 volunteers in 5 ministries up and running on MSP. It went really well due largely to MSP's high degree of refinement. The training videos and online documentation have been very valuable, too, both to my users and me. Thank you.
— Jim Dignan, Church of the Assumption (Fairport, NY)
It sure is nice to find a great product with great support to back it up.
— John Rossoni, Queen of All Saints Parish (Concord, CA)
Web Admin access is such a wonderful feature! It makes communicating on the go easy and seamless. I work mostly remotely and being able to make schedule changes or easily communicate with groups of volunteers from my phone has been a game changer.
— Anita Marshall, Shepherd of the Hills (West Bend, WI)
I've been using various types of software and services for decades now. MSP ranks among the most impressive. Every time I think of a need in scheduling, it seems the feature was implemented already. Keep up your incredible work. I'm very picky when it comes to software, and you all have a great formula! I think I've recommended you to nearly every pastor in my diocese! (I love your referral program, too!)
— Fr. Jeff, St. Margaret Catholic Church (Lake Charles, LA)
A great program.
— David Moyle, Rowville Uniting Church (Rowville, Australia)
I have been pleasantly surprised that every special circumstance I needed to handle, within reason, whether in scheduling or communication, has a setting to make it possible. I just have to do a quick search in the on-line help resource to figure it out. I've rarely needed to contact technical support to resolve these questions, but they have been quick to respond and knowledgeable.
— Ministry Scheduler (Baton Rouge, LA)
MSP has been a major game changer. The volunteers love seeing the full schedule and the ability to indicate their conflicts in advance. Some individual groups found the incessant email chains and replies in managing their own groups untenable. Now they are happy and well-informed! Here are some of what they say; "That software is so nifty". "Very easy and intuitive". "So cool!". "I really like the fact that I can see how else is scheduled for my same day!"
— Lisa Koehler, St. John's Church (Lafayette Square, Washington, DC)
I have found MSP to greatly reduce the amount of time that I must devote to scheduling and gives me a lot more time to practice, prepare and plan for music and liturgy in our parish. The online portal makes finding substitutes so much easier. It eliminates all the those phone calls.
— Herb Dillahunt, Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church (Braddock, PA)
It's worth every penny.
— Stephen Palanca, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church (Chicago, Illinois)
The program is very cost effective with the use of e-mailing the schedules.
— Susan Davis, St. Nicholas Catholic Church (Zanesville, OH)
People are more reliable in attending and letting me know when they are away. Even my teenage daughter checks the app "just to see" when she is serving next. It really works!
— Kristina Moniz, Evangelical Church of Bermuda (Paget, BM)
MSP is light years ahead. When I get into the special features I sometimes marvel at its efficiency -- emailing a selected lector when I need to get dialog gospels in PDF to them and the ease it is to swap a minister who realizes that the grandchild misses Mema.
— James F Crookston, Saint Rose of Lima (Altoona, PA)
I have downloaded your Ministry Scheduler Pro and am very impressed by its simplicity and completeness.
— Msgr. Richard J. Lubeley, Mary Queen of Peace Church (St. Louis, MO)
I love it!! Not only is it easier for me and takes less time than other programs, but the minsters get to participate and take care of things themselves, like getting subs. And we love the app. Awesome program.
— Colleen Spiro, St. Katharine Drexel Church (Cape Coral, FL)
This software has made scheduling for me so much easier. Thank you!
— Sue A. Bess, Queen of the Apostles Catholic Church (Belmont, NC)
Once again, you guys did it again! Just when I don't see how you can make MSP better, you do! Thank you so very much!
— Maureen Yantz, St. Margaret Church (Bel Air, MD)
We are really enjoying the new program. Our volunteers are finding it very easy to use!!
— Lori Brooks, All Saints' Episcopal Church (Phoenix, AZ)
Let me tell you how much I have appreciated the emailer. Granted it has taken your help to get me up to speed, but having it allow me to email a specific person(s) with the click of the mouse along with enabling me to email an entire ministry of people is a Godsend. I have used it extensively with scheduling the additional Christmas services. And once all the positions are filled I can attach my spreadsheet and email it to only those who are serving in each service.
— Dee Wells, St. James Lutheran Church (Gettysburg, PA)
Thanks for your continued prompt assistance when I seek it. I am quite pleased with the support I receive from MSP's tech support department. It is one of the great features of MSP!
— Susan Ratigan, St. Sabina Catholic Church (Belton, MO)
Each time I have sought tech support, the answers have been very thorough and timely. I don't feel the software of the support falls short in any way. You have truly captured the idiosyncracies of church and volunteers. Just know that not a day goes by without my feeling so very very thankful for your software. It has made the scheduling work at my church so much more manageable. And even the older parishioners are finally getting on board. Thank you.
— Lisa Koehler, St. John's Church (Lafayette Square, Washington, DC)
MSP made a world of difference in my job as scheduler, I went from 2 hrs. plus to 30 min. max with MSP- it's a wonderful product. It was my idea to purchase this software, and when I presented it to the Pastor, he and the office manager were very impressed and decided to go with it.
— Adolfo Rodriguez, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish (Tucson, AZ)
This tool is so user friendly and the support I get is so awesome!
— Debora Jeffers, St. Albert the Great Catholic Church (Austin, TX)
I find your software the easiest to use of all that I've tried.
— Mary Nitti, Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church (Battle Lake, MN)
MSP has made it easier to connect with our ministers.
— Rhonda Fehrenbacher, St. Wendel / St. Francis Xavier (Evansville, IN)
I'm so impressed with MSP and have already had positive feedback from our volunteers.
— Mick Capon, St. Philip's Episcopal Church (Durham, NC)
This has been a tremendous help with coordinating all of our liturgical ministers at Mass! The ease of making changes to serve time/date is wonderful. No one has to be the middle man anymore! The communication tools are wonderful too!
— David Schreckenberger, Prince of Peace Catholic Church (Flowery Branch, GA)
Volunteers tell me that they love being able to make scheduling requests and substitutions without all the phone calls and emails!!!
— Jane Derrington, St. Michael (Sioux Falls, SD)
Our volunteers love so much about MSP. They love the ease of managing multiple ministry schedules online, both for themselves and their family members, the ease of sending out sub requests and having them filled, the efficiency of the mobile app, and the way MSP creates a fair schedule based on their unavailability dates. We are never going back.
— Megan Comstock, Christ Church Anglican (Phoenix, AZ)
I am totally enjoying your system.
— Kathy Reimer, St.Thomas More St.Mary's (Lake Ariel, PA)
[MSP has] made it less complicated to schedule people.
— Michelle Van Eyck, Unity in Lynnwood (Lynnwood, WA)
MSP enhanced accountability of volunteers to remember to show up, facilitated scheduling for major liturgical events, saved tremendous time in scheduling, and empowered volunteers to self-schedule. Our volunteer coordinators are very happy with the reduction of scheduling time, freeing them up to do more mentoring and training of volunteers in their ministry area.
— Bridget Klawitter, St Leonard Catholic Church and School (Muskego, WI)
People really like having the opportunity to put in their scheduling requests online or through the app, and I really appreciate getting neatly organized responses instead of a hundred nested e-mails that may or may not have all the identifying information that I need to manage their requests.
— Beth Wacek, St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Menomonie, WI)
I am so glad we went with your company!!
— Cheryl Hogg, Christ Episcopal Church (New Bern, NC)
Your tech support is the best I've seen anywhere! Thanks so much!
— Mary Shamrell, Our Lady of Lourdes (Vancouver, WA)
I love the recent update. Well done.
— Kylie Knight, Crosspointe Church (Carrollton, TX)
The times I have referred questions to the technical support folks has been terrific! Their responses have been timely, complete, and have solved my problems the first time through.
— Jack Heck, Blessed Savior Catholic Church (Milwaukee, WI)
Keep up the great work. I’m one of your biggest fans as MSP has been a life changing tool for me. The details and stress of scheduling have been lifted so that I can focus more upon ministry training and enrichment programs.
— Patrick Hutchings, St. John Baptist de la Salle (Granada Hills, CA)
Your support is really responsive. Thanks!
— Diane Chelmowski, Our Lady of Perpetual Hope (Glenview, IL)
MSP is absolutely fantastic. It has completely exceeded all of my expectations.
— Rick Caponigro, St. Gabriel Catholic Church (Charlotte, NC)
Ministry Scheduler Pro is an invaluable program that makes it easy to serve, easy to request substitutes, easy to volunteer for others, easy to communicate. MSP has been a blessing to our parish family, allowing many to be servants of Christ.
— Lisa M. Weis, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church (Clemont, FL)
Your support team is wonderful and extremely helpful. I really like the step by step help I have been given. Also, I am not made to feel foolish for asking questions
— Carol-Ann Zenger, St. John The Divine (Victoria, BC)
I have gone to other parishes to help them get started in MSP. I recommend it to priests, musicians, and liturgists. It is the BEST software available for this purpose. Thank you!
— Rebecca Visser, All Saints Catholic Church (Lakeville, MN)
Scheduling is going much smoother. Ministers, lectors, and servers can work as a community to support our parish by making sure every service has coverage. I still have people that need to be mailed the schedule because they do not have email, but that's ok because you provided an easy way to generate a mailing list that I can send to the parish office. Totally awesome!
— Jacqueline Callery, St. Thomas the Apostle Parish (Chicago, IL)
I wanted to let you know that I really like Announcements. I am happy that I no longer need to keep duplicate files and can do all my communications from the scheduler! One of the best new features is being able to see who has opened their email. Awesome product!!!!!!!!!
— Cathy Brady, St. Theresa Catholic Church (Oakland, CA)
Overall, awesome! We have been really happy with the software and more than that - we appreciate the great tech support and help to get our program up and running!
— Andrea Pahukula, Woodhaven Community Church (Sherwood, OR)
I have contacted tech support with suggestions in the past, thinking there was something the software couldn't do, and every single time I have been wrong! Tech support is awesome. This software is an indispensable part of my job.
— Rebecca Visser, All Saints Catholic Church (Lakeville, MN)
The MSP software program is smart, intuitive and reliable. Most importantly, it allows many more volunteers to be engaged in ministry simply because they have complete control over their availability and service commitment. This empowerment takes away the hesitancy volunteers sometimes have to commit to ministry. I cannot imagine any other way to handle our ministry schedule now that we have used MSP.
— Ann Ashe, Sacred Heart Parish (Chestertown, MD)
For me, MSP has saved a TON of time.
— Dan Murphy, The Cathedral of St. Philip (Atlanta, GA)
Thank you for all of your assistance when we were initially setting up the MSP program for use in our parish. Your quick response was truly appreciated!
— Lori Parks, St. Benedict Church (Ridgley, MD)
I could have never imagined MSP becoming such a significant part of the ministries of our church. The tech-support, simplicity of instructions and tutorials make this program a must-have for any parish of any size.
— Jim DeLuccia, Our Lady of the Valley (Wayne, NJ)
It is so easy to communicate with volunteers. I use the auto reminder function and automated emails to share information. I really like the updated announcement pane, the ability to have surveys, and the filtering functions in the announcements (ex. only email EMHCs scheduled for particular services). The filter function is a total game-changer. I used to look up individual email addresses for people scheduled for a single Mass and email them in outlook, thinking MSP couldn't do this (until tech support told me otherwise).
— Rebecca Visser, All Saints Catholic Church (Lakeville, MN)
The change in participation is beyond words. It's hard to imagine the old days. Or perhaps I have just blocked it from my mind.
— Michael Spellman, St. John's (Tallahassee, FL)
MSP is perfect and tech support is super.
— Michael Guzzardi, Saint Francis of Assisi (Springfield, PA)
I love what you've done with the announcement screen. We're just preparing to open up the church next month and I've been exploring the updates that happened while we were closed ... they're wonderful.
— Ann Warnica, St Bride's Anglican (Toronto, ON)
MSP has made it easier for ministers to manage their own schedules, but keep positions filled with the click of a button. It has also opened opportunities for ministers to look into other positions.
— Sheila Przesmicki, St. Gabriel the Archangel Church (Hopkins, MN)
Our volunteers are extremely happy with MSP. Even the doubters have been won over!
— Brandon Vogt, Our Lady of Mercy Church (Harborcreek, PA)
We have had nothing but positive feedback from our volunteer ministers. The online schedule is very user friendly and has increased volunteer participation. MSP's website resources are great, user friendly and have decreased the time spent on monthly ministry scheduling.
— Shawn R. Hallman, Cathedral of St. Andrew (Little Rock, AR)
With administrative functions expanded to include almost every feature in the new MSP App, I’ve been unchained from my PC and still handle the day-to-day scheduling needs of our Liturgical Ministers using my iPhone.
— Gregg Trusty, St. Joseph Catholic Church (Shreveport, LA)
It's really incredibly thorough. I've been looking for this type of program for years.
— Scott Grimes, Sunny Slope Church (Omaha, NE)
Ministry Scheduler Pro has really been working for us!
— Sharon Schreiner, Queen of the Holy Rosary Church (Overland Park, KS)
Our representative has been very helpful any time we have needed extra information!
— Sue Miller, Immaculate Heart of Mary (Grand Junction, CO)
I LOVE IT! Once all our volunteers get used to it I think we'll wonder how we used to schedule without it!
— Jan Lamparski, St. Bruno's Catholic Church (Dousman, WI)
Technical support is excellent! I was always able to have answers as I began using the system. Also, the written directions are simple and complete.
— Jane Derrington, St. Michael (Sioux Falls, SD)
This is truly a great software. You are responsive and attentive to your customers.
— Arthur O'Sullivan, Saint Dominic Parish (Oakville, ON)
Our Volunteers are able to help out when someone requests a sub and it is not up to me to find replacements at every Mass.
— Mona Andre, St. Sebastian (Byron Center, MI)
The service is excellent and the staff INCREDIBLY responsive.
— Kathryn Swartz, St. Elizabeth Church (Rockville, MD)
I'm really impressed with MSP. I've only scratched the surface, and I've asked lots of questions with answers that were easily available in the knowledge base, but it looks like everything as advertised, and more.
— Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Alec MacDougal (Peachtree City, GA)
I love MSP - with six or more congregations to schedule, it's made such a difference. The main benefit to us is the way that people are now swapping with each other without it all going through me. With well over 100 volunteers we needed something like this and nobody else offers anything close – so thank you.
— Nicholas Bundock, St James & Emmanuel (Manchester, UK)
MSP makes it easy to set up volunteers as well as submit changes. When I signed up to be the Altar Server coordinator I thought it was all done manually. When I was told St. Eleanor uses the MSP platform I was so thankful. The system is user-friendly, and when I come across an issue the customer service staff at MSP are so kind and more importantly helpful.
— Maribeth Marburger, St. Eleanor Church (Collegeville, PA)
Most of the volunteers are very pleased to be able to request subs so easily. We now have all the ministers for a mass on a single sheet and have eliminated conflicts of a minister being schedule for more than one ministry.
— Susan Paulus, St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church (Lenoir City, TN)
Truly, the best software and the best support ever!
— Carol Lemelin, St. Ronald Parish (Clinton Township, MI)
Recently we created links to our current schedule by date and also by alphabetical listing for our liturgical ministers who have email address. This was so easy to do and the feedback from folks has been very positive.
— Fran Sims, St. Vincent de Paul (Albany, NY)
The program is so wonderful. It's kind of magical how it creates a 3 month schedule in about 20 seconds! Tech support has been invaluable and everyone has been extremely helpful. The webinars have also been a great resource. Thanks very much.
— Jane McElroy, St. Bernard of Clairvaux Roman Catholic Church (Bridgewater, NJ)
We have gotten great feedback from our volunteers. The substitute request and volunteer features have made requesting subs worlds easier, and it gives us an easy snapshot of what spots need to be filled. Our folks also greatly appreciate the email reminders and app notifications, and we rarely have anyone forget an assignment with the reminders, whereas before they were reliant on either reading the paper schedule or looking at the weekly bulletin to get reminders.
— Brian LeBlanc, Grace Lutheran Church (Raleigh, NC)
At the present time the greatest benefits MSP provides is the ability to communicate more effectively with volunteers while giving them the ability to have more control over their own schedule.
— Deacon Paul Ellis, St. Andrew the Apostle, (Saline, MI)
Made my life as the scheduler much easier. MSP does a better job of allocating assignments than the manual system that preceded it.
— Scheduler at Good Shepherd Catholic Church (Alexandria, VA)
The MSP support staff is wonderful.
— Jan Judge, St. Pius X (Cherry Hill, NJ)
I really think the tech support is great...if one of them doesn't know the answer to a question, they will go and find someone who does or ask them to call me back to help. The ways in which I can use the system are still becoming known to me and I am often delighted to see a "new" way I can make a schedule or plan for the future or arrange for help with ministries as needed. I am finding this to be a useful and time-saving tool, and I can see great potential for even more as time goes on. I'm looking forward to having the "bugs" worked out and the confidence it will bring to making the schedules live and working. Good job!
— Mary Bur, St. Joseph Parish (New Hope, MN)
Volunteers of all ages embraced the change [to a new scheduling system] and like the flexibility and immediacy that MSP provides. I like that the schedule is always available in real time, at any time, and that unexpected changes are easily accommodated. Using MSP has allowed us to get new volunteers into service more quickly.
— Tom Nichols, St. Luke Catholic Church (Indianapolis, IN)
Support has been great! Just about everything I want to do you’ve been able to provide me a way to do, and have explained to me how things work which helps me as well.
— Rick Caponigro, St. Gabriel Catholic Church (Charlotte, NC)
We love MSP. It is an excellent software offering. Very easy to use and very powerful.
— Boyd Fenton, New Life Community Church (Aurora, CO)
SO much less confusion. People are taking an active role in their own scheduling. We have had more younger volunteers. Everyone thanks me often for creating a much more efficient schedule, and all I did was press a few buttons! It certainly beats the comments that I used to receive!
— Anonymous Scheduler (Denver, NC)
Thank you so much for offering such an incredible and necessary program.
— Ginger Pierce, Cornerstone A/G Church (Bethalto, IL)
Parishioners love it, and parents love it, especially, because of the schedule reminders and ease of requesting a sub. MSP has solved our no-show issue and equitably schedules everyone so that we no longer face burn-out by some of our over-scheduled parishioners. I believe it has also aided in our recruiting of more ministers, which is a blessing for many reasons. All at St. Anthony would agree that adopting MSP as our scheduling program has improved the liturgical life of our parish dramatically.
— Lesley Kirzeder, St. Anthony de Padua (South Bend, IN)
We're very impressed and grateful for a great product.
— Fr Simon Marsh, Cheshire (UK)
Thank you for your continued improvements to a great program.
— Dan Sullivan, St. Agatha Parish (Milton, MA)
MSP has been working flawlessly for us!
— Mike Kiebel, St. Joseph Catholic Church (St. Joseph, MI)
I have to hand it to you all! The service you provide is superb.
— Mr. Kim, St. Ignatius Catholic Church (Mobile, AL)