Case Study

Betsy Brown
Church of Saint Mary
What made you decide to check out the Sign-in Kiosk?
Before we had a paper print-out of the schedule and everybody was supposed to initial by their name when they arrived. There used to be a lot of confusion, especially with people signing in as a substitute. Subs would check off someone's name, and later it was hard to tell whether that person was really there or if someone covered for them. With the Kiosk, everybody can see who's checked in or not. And people really like the accuracy of the Kiosk.
The Kiosk makes it so easy to view at a glance who is here and what positions need to be taken care of."
How are you using the Kiosk?
We use it in Clipboard Mode for fast check-ins. We have it set up on an iPad that we place on a table by one of the main doors into the Church.
We use it for our regular services, and it's especially helpful for Special Services like Easter, where there are a lot more Ministers serving at once. Our Deacon is in charge of managing it.
What are some other benefits of using the Kiosk?
Some people don't want me to schedule them regularly, but if they come to Mass, they'll go over and look on the Kiosk to see if help is needed, and then take over someone's spot and sign themselves in as a substitute. So it lets people help in real-time, which is nice.
We used to have someone who would come to every Mass to coordinate, but she retired a long time ago. Now everyone just looks to the kiosk before Mass to figure out where they're supposed to be and when, and the Deacon makes sure everything's covered right before Mass starts.
What kind of feedback have you heard about the Kiosk?
Ministers like to see the list and check near their name. The Deacon likes to go over and quickly see who has checked themselves off. Even the Ushers will come over and look. And the Priest really enjoys just being able to go over and see who has checked in at a quick glance.
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