The Scheduling Tool You'll Wish You Tried Sooner

The Scheduling Tool You'll Wish You Tried Sooner
If you've been tasked with ministry scheduling, you know how much time it takes to juggle volunteer preferences and availability. But fortunately, it doesn't have to be painstakingly tedious.
Ministry Scheduler Pro's auto-scheduler is a game-changer. The auto-scheduler uses volunteer data—like availability, preferred services, and family groupings—to create fair and accurate ministry schedules in minutes. The time and energy saved can be reinvested into volunteer training, strategic planning, or simply spent giving yourself a well-deserved pat on the back for working smarter, not harder.
— Arthur O'Sullivan, Saint Dominic Parish (Oakville, ON)
Five Tips to Get the Most Out of MSP's Auto-Scheduler
Like any powerful tool, the auto-scheduler works best when it's set up properly. These practical tips will help your church maximize its benefits and simplify your scheduling process.
1. Ensure schedules are fair and balanced
Time Saver: The auto-scheduler is designed to give all volunteers a fair opportunity to serve without the risk of overbooking or overlooking anyone. Before you run the auto-scheduler, remind volunteers to update their availability—this ensures MSP can do the heavy lifting for you.
Common Mistake to Avoid: Volunteers with incomplete profiles, such as blank service preferences, may be scheduled when they aren't available, leading to conflicts. Take a moment to check that profiles are complete before auto-scheduling.
Learn More: Share this short video with volunteers to show them how to update their preferences in MSP.
2. Assign families together (or apart)
Time Saver: Need family members scheduled together? Or want to ensure two parents aren't serving at the same time, so one can be in the pew with their child? MSP's auto-scheduler makes it simple to honor these requests, accommodating family needs with ease.
Common Misconception: Some churches may assume the auto-scheduler can't handle family-specific requests. The truth is, MSP was made for families! We've seen it all, and we've got you covered.
Learn More: Most family settings are managed in the Family Groupings pane.
— Deacon Joe Kest, St. Patrick of Heatherdowns (Toledo, OH)
3. Fill critical roles manually
Time Saver: Prefer to hand-pick volunteers for certain key positions, like at Midnight Mass or the Easter Vigil? You still can! The auto-scheduler only fills gaps, leaving your manual assignments untouched. Think of it as your right-hand helper to complete schedules efficiently.
Common Misconception: Auto-scheduling doesn't mean losing control. Many churches combine the auto-scheduler with self-signups, pre-assignments, and ministry teams to meet their unique needs. It's not all or nothing! A hybrid scheduling approach helps you save time while retaining oversight of important assignments.
Learn More: Watch this short video tutorial to see how the auto-scheduler works in tandem with other scheduling methods in MSP.
4. Double-check for accuracy
Time Saver: Once the auto-scheduler runs, MSP's Distribution Report helps you ensure that every volunteer has a fair chance to serve. If someone is overscheduled, it suggests adjustments to lighten their load; if someone is underscheduled, the report highlights opportunities to include them. Best of all, it's as simple as a right-click—so changes can be made in seconds!
Common Misconception: Worried that automation might take away the personal touch? Remember, MSP is here to support you—not replace you. What makes the Distribution Report so useful is how it helps you actively manage your schedule and fine-tune the details as you see fit.
Learn More: Check the Distribution Report before sending volunteers their schedules to make sure everything is balanced and as you prefer.
5. Tap into expert support
Time Saver: Feeling stuck or unsure how to proceed? MSP's support team is specially trained in all settings and options in the program. We're happy to give personalized recommendations to help you quickly achieve scheduling goals.
Common Misconception: The auto-scheduler is powerful, but it's normal to need a little fine-tuning to tailor it to your church's specific needs. Our support team has helped over 3,800 churches, and we're here for you, too!
Learn More: Watch the Tap Into Simplified Scheduling webinar webinar to get more tips on leveraging MSP's built-in auto-scheduler.
— Barbara McCarthy, Holy Trinity Church (West Harwich, MA)
Ready to save hours on scheduling?
If you're still scheduling by hand, now's the time to let the auto-scheduler work its magic. Start a free trial today, and free up time in your schedule for everything else that matters at your church.