Wondering how to introduce MSP to your volunteers?

Volunteers are your ministry's most important asset. So it makes sense you want them to be comfortable as you transition to start using ministry scheduling software.
Luckily, according to a survey of over 2,000 volunteers, 95% feel that Ministry Scheduler Pro makes it easier for them to volunteer at church, and 97% would recommend MSP to other churches. It's clear this change will be extremely well received on the whole. But how can you help volunteers get over the initial hurdle of learning something new?
Below are a few ways to get all your volunteers set up and comfortably using MSP.
Self-Guided Onboarding:
Most volunteers won't need any special training. MSP's web and mobile interface is designed to be easy to use. For those volunteers that crave a little guidance, the welcome email contains video tutorials, printable guides, and instructions on how to download the mobile app. Volunteers can review these resources on their own for step-by-step instructions on how to get started.
Tip: One week after sending the Welcome email, send a follow-up email to see if anyone could benefit from a little extra help using MSP. Then follow up with those who respond YES individually.
Peer-Led Onboarding:
If you're like most churches, you probably have a group of volunteers that could use a little extra help. If you're looking to introduce less tech-savvy volunteers to Ministry Scheduler Pro, consider engaging the help of your more tech-savvy volunteers. Dedicate time before or after the service to let experienced volunteers take the lead in helping others log in online and get the app set up. This promotes connection among volunteers, efficiently uses resources, and offers 1-1 assistance in getting set up.
Host a Volunteer Training Night:
Hosting an in-person training night is a great way to introduce volunteers to Ministry Scheduler Pro and get them excited about the benefits of an online scheduling system. A training night can boost volunteer engagement, cultivate community and empower your volunteers. If this seems right for your church, learn more about hosting a successful training night.
Whichever method you choose, rest assured that getting your volunteers started with MSP is easier than you think. Ministry Scheduler Pro doesn't just save you time. It also makes volunteering easier, which your volunteers will thank you for later. Get started by purchasing your subscription today.