Who benefits from Ministry Scheduler Pro?


Ministry Schedulers

Save hours by ditching post-it notes, Excel spreadsheets, phone calls, and data entry for one streamlined system. Coordinating with other ministries becomes a cinch, and frustrating conflicts that cause stress and volunteer burnout will be a thing of the past. Volunteers take ownership with online access to update away dates and become more accountable with automatic email and text message reminders.



Online access to the schedule wherever they are makes it easy for volunteers to stay involved at their own pace. Easily accommodate family serving preferences, and unavailable dates keep volunteers in the loop with online access to the schedule. When the unexpected comes up, volunteers can easily submit sub requests or fill in for someone who can't make it at the click of a button.



MSP simplifies managing, scheduling, and communicating with volunteers who assist in church services, freeing precious time so that you and your staff can focus more on ministry. Plus, MSP is user-friendly for volunteers, encouraging participation and greater engagement.

Business Managers

Business Managers

Time is money, and when staff members can streamline a scheduling process that would take them hours to do by hand, their time can be better used. MSP makes it easy for new people to get involved, and a growing volunteer base means more actively engaged church members, which never hurts the bottom line.

When Dollars Make Sense

Stewarding your church's financial resources is not just about dollars spent but value added.

Let's talk about how MSP is not just an administrative expense but how it creates tangible value for your church!

Save Time
It takes time to manually create and distribute schedules, send reminders, and arrange subs for volunteers – likely 10 or more hours each month. MSP streamlines the entire process, freeing up more time for ministry and saving $100 or more per month just in time saved.
Increase Engagement
MSP helps create an open and welcoming culture of service and stewardship by making it easy for volunteers to get and stay involved. Greater engagement inspires parishioners to support the church's mission by giving their time, talent, and treasure.
Grow the Church
Parishioners that are actively and financially invested in the church also attract others to get involved! Typically with growth comes growing pains, but MSP makes it seamless for new volunteers to get involved while maintaining a fair and balanced schedule for everyone.

We have reduced administrative cost of scheduling by 50% and have better participation by volunteers to fill their empty positions on their own, thereby saving frustration for our administrative assistant and ministry department heads and reducing no-shows."
Marie Nichols
Agape Community Fellowship of Marysville, OH
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