Ministry Scheduler Pro’s New Release: Greater Flexibility to Do or Delegate

The work of ministry schedulers is important to the life of the church, but it can be challenging to schedule and connect dozens — or even hundreds — of volunteers. That’s why we built the newest version of our ministry scheduling software to give ministry schedulers more tools and flexibility. From editing schedules from a web browser or delegating tasks to Ministry Leaders, MSP 7.8 gives schedulers more options than ever before.
Just like all of MSP’s updates and improvements, MSP 7.8 came from the insights, ideas, and feedback of our users, and for that, we’re grateful. However, our users’ involvement didn’t stop with their suggestions. Many volunteered to beta test MSP 7.8, which ensured it was a user-friendly product before its release. This proves what we’ve known all along — our users make MSP the powerful scheduling tool it is today.
MSP 7.8 has exciting new features that are sure to delight, including a new communication tool that will make it easier to text or email volunteers and track who’s getting your emails. You can get the details and read the FAQ on the MSP 7.8 release page. And be sure to watch the release webinar to see a walkthrough of MSP 7.8 and learn what it means for you and your volunteers.
If you’re an MSP user, send us your thoughts on how MSP 7.8 is working for you! If you don’t use MSP, sign up for a 30-day free trial to see how MSP 7.8 can help you schedule, connect, and grow your ministries.