Ministry Scheduler Pro Version History
v8.2.1 (Build 9) (07/01/2024)
- Bug fix for volunteer ministry qualification display issue
- Minor bug fixes
v8.2.1 (Build 8) (05/28/2024)
- Bug fix for volunteer data persistence
- Fixed bug fix for Windows crash
- Minor bug fixes
v8.2.1 (Build 3) (10/03/2023)
- Updated to work with Mac Somona
- Fixed bug with Service Naming Settings
- Minor bug fixes
v8.2 (Build 9) (07/19/2023)
Bug fix
v8.2 (Build 8) (06/20/2023)
- New Administrators pane with support for non-volunteer Web Admins and Leaders
- Updated to work with online Families pane
- Minor bug fixes
v8.1.4 (Build 7) (10/04/2022)
- Updated to work with creating schedules online
- Minor bug fixes
v8.1.4 (Build 6) (05/04/2022)
- Updated to work with online Teams pane
- Minor bug fixes
v8.1.4 (Build 2) (01/26/2022)
- Updated to work with online Ministies pane
- Bug fix for GabrielSoft partner sync
v8.1.2 (Build 4) (12/01/2021)
- Online and mobile access with Web Admins for all
- Gives access to Announcements in browser
- Changes naming for Saturday morning masses to align with liturgical calendar
- Minor bug fixes
v8.1 (Build 6) (08/25/2021)
- Online and mobile access to volunteer profiles, announcements, and schedules for Web Admins and Leaders
- Web-based repeating assignments for Web Admins and Leaders
- Import custom fields from a spreadsheet as a Web Admin
- Secure auto-login links for volunteers
- Export responses from Polls and RSVPs
- Follow up on polls and RSVPs based on response
- Mobile friendly enrollment forms
- Improved resource interface
- Minor bug fixes
v8.0.3 (Build 6) (11/30/2020)
- Bug fix:
- Web Terminal Settings changes not sticking
v8.0.3 (Build 5) (11/19/2020)
- Bug fix:
- Ministry Leader pane in Web Terminal Settings
v8.0.3 (Build 4) (11/03/2020)
- NEW feature: send Announcements from the Volunteers pane!
- Bug fixes:
- timeout when print to PDF file is large - program edition sent in with data files
- import updating from address instead of adding new volunteer for admins
- Licensing pane disables installation instead of removing it
- hasRecentlyModifiedLiveSchedule for automated emails
- fixes connection with auto reminders and backend
v8.0.1 (06/18/2020)
- Added the Announcements pane for trial users
- Fixed last Announcement sender as default for new message
- Other minor bug fixes
v8.0 (Build 2) (05/20/2020)
- The Emailer was replaced with the Announcements pane, offering spell check, record of sent messages, draft emails, and the ability to administer polls, collect RSVPs and view who has opened emails.
- Directed sub requests enable volunteers to send a sub requests to a specific volunteer.
- "Is a group" setting enables you to create a single volunteer, designate it as a group, and then easily track how many people the group is bringing.
- Added a report for "Swaps requested" to see how many times a specific volunteer has requested a sub over a given time period.
- Added ability to filter Ministry Distribution report by service time.
- Mass planner page replaced with service pop up; removed comments and sequence items.
- Updated technology used for custom fields.
- Minor bug fixes.
v7.8.5 (Build 3) (12/04/2019)
- Fixes install issue for Mac Catalina- yearly can't serve times prevent volunteer from being scheduled.
- Win 7 black custom fields/filter window.
- Edit Ministry Leaders error.
v7.8.4 (10/24/2019)
- Re-balanced auto-scheduler for accuracy and speed.
- Bug fixes in preassignments and enrollment forms.
- Other minor bug fixes.
v7.8.2 (7/18/2019)
- Fix issue with exports opening automatically.
- Fix to allow swap a local database from File menu.
- Other minor bug fixes.
v7.8.1 (6/21/2019)
v7.8 (Build 15) (6/18/2019)
- Web Terminal overhaul with faster speeds and a clean, new look.
- Web-based volunteer management so your Ministry Leaders can view and edit volunteer profiles online.
Announcements pane, where Ministry Leaders can send text messages, use powerful filtering tools, track sent and opened messages, - and check spelling.
- New and improved web-based schedule editor for Ministry Leaders that is faster to load and requires fewer clicks.
- Concurrent user mode removed.
- Bug fix for synchronization with Servant Keeper 8.
- Custom fields and filters have been upgraded to use chromium on both Mac and Windows.
- Mac version has been upgrade to 64-bit.
- Other small updates and bug fixes.
v7.7.1 (9/12/18)
- Updated license agreement and added privacy policy:
- Added randomization to auto-scheduler when none is present.
- Fixed issue with schedule in combo "whenever possible" setting.
- Other minor bug fixes and enhancements.
v7.7 (Build 2) (3/22/18)
- Added an optional auto-email to the administrator for any pending web forms waiting to be processed.
- Added ability to suppress auto-reminders for volunteers who are flagged as “Sub Requested†for a position.
- Added an un-do option in the Sign-in Kiosk.
- Implemented a new mobile site for the Web Terminal, for enhanced performance when logged in from a mobile device.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
v7.6.2 (Build 4) (10/31/17)
- Added and enabled ability to set Kiosk in "Clipboard" mode by default.
- Added support for synch with Servant Keeper 8, local and cloud based databases.
- Added support for .church email domains for BCC in Emailer.
- Fixed an issue related to older date entries in custom fields.
- Fixed issue with Acces ACS sync on Windows.
- Turned concurrent user mode on for all licenses.
v7.6.1 (Build 3) (6/19/17)
- Completed phase-out of old Basic and Coordinator editions.
- Fixed an issue with the default program email.
- Fixed a bug with non-concurrent user mode and web forms.
v7.6.1 (5/15/17)
- Added new program intro-splash screen!
- Changed color of program blue-highlight to be more pleasant.
- Fixed issue with profile forms via mobile resulting in "null null" volunteers.
- Fixed issue with hover-name on schedules.
- Ties SMS-reminders to Web Terminal settings time zone.
- Other minor bug fixes and enhancements.
v7.5.2 (1/31/17)
- Fixed problem with manually-processed web forms.
- Fixed bug with two-week blocks in ministries.
- Fixed bug with Servant Keeper 7 sync.
- Other minor bug fixes and enhancements.
v7.5 (9/8/16)
- New online Sign-in Kiosk added for Plus edition!
- Enhanced the auto-scheduling algorithm for large numbers of volunteers.
- Updated email sending compliance.
- Other minor bug fixes and enhancements.
v7.3.2 (5/2/16)
v7.3.1 (2/19/16)
- Added ability to mass copy-and-paste volunteers within services on the schedule.
- Fixed a bug affecting historical scheduling data and distribution.
- Other small improvements and bug fixes.
v7.3 (12/8/15)
- Auto email reminders for upcoming assignments can now come from the "From Address" specified for a particular ministry.
- Mobile App now includes a Full Schedules section for Ministry Leaders.
- Added support for magnification.
- Significantly enhanced security of Web Terminal passwords.
- Added support for synching with Access ACS.
- Many small improvements and bug fixes.
v7.0 (4/13/14)
- Added support for creating custom fields to track volunteer information.
- Added support for a mobile app companion to the Web Terminal for volunteers.
- Updated filter dialog to make this tool faster and more powerful.
- Updated the Web Terminal in look and speed. Load time much decreased.
- Mass texts can now be sent to groups of volunteers via the Emailer.
- A "replies to" number can now be specified for SMS messages.
- Changes can now be made to the number of hours before a service that auto SMS reminders are sent.
- Schedule skeleton concept has been removed. To revert to the state before the auto-scheduler was run, choose "Remove all 'Auto' assignments" from the Schedule menu.
- A "Copy Ministry / Folder" button has been added to the Ministries pane that duplicates ministries or folders of ministries.
- Active volunteers can now re-enroll, just like inactive volunteers, if they are sent the enrollment form page link.
v6.4 (12/5/12)
- Readings and audio recordings of daily readings from USCCB can now be automatically attached to service plans.
- You can now create and store sequence templates for service planning online.
- Added optional ability for volunteers to cancel assignments online.
- Support for South African date style added (yy/mm/dd)
- Explicit date ranges can now be given for the {{ScheduledServicesCount}}, {{NoShowsCount}}, and other similar tokens.
- You can now see the address from which an email will be sent when previewing the email in the Emailer pane.
- A "Recent addresses" popup in the Emailer's "From address..." dialog has been added so you can quickly switch between From Addresses that have previously been used.
- The time it takes to switch between days or edit positions in a schedule when in concurrent user mode has been reduced by about 50%.
v6.3 (9/28/12)
- Ministry leaders now have the ability to schedule volunteers through the Web Terminal.
- Ministry leaders can now set attendance flags through the Web Terminal.
- Google calendar and iCal integration have been added.
- Days on which there are "Swap requested" positions will now be shown in yellow in the schedule calendar view.
- You now have the option of sending "swap requested" emails when flagging positions as swap requested inside MSP, just as if the swap had been requested by the volunteer through the Web Terminal.
- Manual and repeating assignments will now be labeled as such on schedules.
- Auto-available positions email will now be turned on by default.
- When processing profile change forms, you will now have the option to add can't serve times to whole families, in the case that they were not originally submitted for whole families.
- You can now hold the control or shift key while select live schedule (and roster) posts to delete multiple posts at one time.
- When emailing a volunteer who has submitted a Web Form from inside MSP, the text of the Web From will now automatically be included in the email.
- Volunteers will no longer show up as "subs" in Rosters if they are on a rotating team, even if their "Manual and preassigned scheduling only" setting is on.
- Fixed a problem where Web Form comments were not wrapping and as a result could be partially hidden.
v6.2 (6/12/12)
- Added service plan view to Web Terminal. Dates and times of services will now be hyperlinked and take volunteers and Ministry Leaders to the service plan view for a particular service.
- Added the "Edit Plan" button to schedules inside of MSP.
- Administrators and Ministry Leaders can upload audio files, video files, documents, and post links on the service plan of the Web Terminal.
- Administrators and Ministry Leaders can create notes on the service plan for volunteers.
- Administrators and Ministry Leaders can add sequence items and headers to build a service plan online, as well as attach resources to items.
- Volunteers can post comments to service plans online.
- The Data Sharing pane was removed and all Live schedules can now be accessed from the Schedules pane. Other Data Sharing functions moved to File menu.
- You can now ensure that the auto-scheduler leaves at least a given number of days between services for each volunteer.
- When creating a schedule in which weekly services are replaced by yearly services, by default the yearly services will be treated as the weekly services they have replaced for preference purposes.
- A "Reset to default" button has been added for all email templates.
- You can now choose whether or not to color unfilled positions in an open schedule red.
- Changes made to an instance of a service in a schedule can now be applied to just that instance, all instances in the schedule, or all instances in the schedule and the service time itself (future schedules).
- Volunteers will no longer be able to sign up for services or request subs after the date of the service has passed.
- When printing emails, "volunteer now" and "request sub" links will automatically be hidden.
- By popular demand, the text that appears when the {{ScheduledServices}} token is empty will now say "No scheduled times yet." instead of "The next schedule has not yet been finalized."
- The {{SwapRequestedPositions}} token will now list the cell phone number instead of the phone number for volunteers (when a cell number is supplied).
- The {{AssignedPosition}} token in assignment confirmation emails will now include any notes submitted by the volunteer with the assignment form.
- The {{UnfilledPositions}} token as well as other service list tokens are now limited to 25 lines.
- Attempting to create a duplicate preassignment will now result in a warning.
- Live Roster Posts will now default to Arial font instead of Times New Roman.
- Many small improvements and bug fixes.
v6.1 (2/14/12)
- You may now designate particular volunteers to be "Ministry Leaders", giving them the ability to send emails and request subs for the volunteers in their ministries through the Web Terminal.
- The ability to create "folders" for ministries has been added, which allows for much better organization in databases with many ministries.
- A "focus on ministries" option has been added to the View menu open schedules, which allows the schedule to be filtered to only see certain ministries.
- Added a feature to limit the number of services in a week for which volunteers can sign themselves up or accept subs.
- You can now turn on or off swap request emails from the dropdown menu next to the volunteer's email address in their profile.
- The number of days in advance that volunteers receive email reminders can now be seen in their profile.
- Added fields to the Rosterizer to list auto email reminder days in advance and SMS reminders as on or off.
- Live schedule posts can now be "cloned" from one schedule to another, so that you don't have to re-create the same live schedule posts for a new schedule.
- An option has been added to only show future dates in the live schedule post.
- Templates are now available in the Emailer for common emails, including an Introduction to MSP email to send to volunteers and an email to solicit updates to availability before a new schedule.
- A new "{{AllAvailablePositions}}" token lists both unfilled positions and swap requested positions that the volunteer can fill.
- When previewing an email in the Emailer, the list of volunteers is now filtered by default to only show those volunteers who will receive the email.
- A "Send email using MSP" option has been added to the dropdown menu next to the volunteer's email address in their profile.
- A "Email this volunteer" option has been added to the Web Forms pane to easily contact volunteers regarding requests made online.
- An "Include column headings" checkbox has been added to the Rosterizer so that you can hide column headings if desired.
- Ministers who have Preassignments will no longer show up as subs on Rosters, even if they have their "Preassigned and manual scheduling only" flag set.
- An "Included ministries" pane has been added to the Rosterizer and the controls that determine which ministries are included in a roster have been redesigned to be more intuitive.
- "Sub requested" flags are now visible in the Sign In Sheets schedule layout.
- When the ministry requirements for a service in a schedule are changed, you now have the option to apply the new requirements to all other related services in that schedule.
- The Ministry Distribution Report can now total numbers in any date range, instead of being limited to date ranges of past schedules.
- When settings are on such that ÒNotesÓ are appended to Comments, add a time-stamp in the Comments field to indicate the date the comment/note was added to the volunteerÕs profile.
- An informative message is now displayed when filters in the Emailer prevent an email from being sent.
- A problem that could result in lost assignments in Concurrent User Mode if a schedule was left open for long periods of time on one computer has been fixed.
- A problem with the portrait vs. landscape layout in exported schedules that was introduced in version 6.0 has been fixed.
- The "Complete documentation" option in the Help menu has been renamed to "Complete User Manual"
- Many small improvements and bug fixes.
v6.0.2 (10/4/11)
- Fixed bug that could cause ministries to be deleted from live schedules under some circumstances.
- Other minor changes and fixes.
- Speed gains of up to 50% from optimizations of the database engine.
- Support for multiple people (administrators) using MSP at the same time has been added.
- The Rosterizer now includes column headings.
- Emails CCed to an MSP administrator will now include a list volunteers to which the email was sent.
- The ability has been added to only show live roster / schedule posts to volunteers in the ministries they include.
- Volunteers can now cancel swap requests if they request a sub and then find that they can make their scheduled date.
- Preassignments may now have a starting date, but not an ending date, so it will be easy to assign somebody to "every other Monday, starting today", for example.
- Added the ability to flag volunteers' phone numbers, cell phone numbers, or email addresses as "unlisted", which will prevent them from being listed in rosters, etc.
- Added the ability to turn on or off automatic email or SMS reminders directly from a volunteer's profile.
- Added the ability to export Web Forms to an html or text document for archiving purposes.
- Ministries can now be removed from enrollment forms before the form is processed.
- Ministry subdivisions are now grouped in sub-menus of the "Add ministry" menu in the Edit Volunteer dialog.
- The Ministry Distribution Report can now be filtered for multiple ministries at one time.
- The Web Forms list may now be sorted by any column.
- When a schedule is made live, you will now automatically be prompted to create a live schedule post for that schedule, if one does not already exist.
- Days on which swaps have been requested will now be color coded in the interactive calendar view, just as days on which there are unfilled positions are.
- The new special tokens, {{SwapRequestedByEmail}} and {{SwapRequestedByPhone}}, are now available to use in the swap request email.
- Custom tokens will now be sorted alphabetically in the {{Tokens}} menu.
- The short date formats YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY/MM/DD are now supported.
- The error message in the case that a schedule post is not found now includes the name of the post that was not found.
v5.7 (Build 9) (1/18/11)
- Fixed a problem that would produce an "Exception thrown" when editing a family.
- Fixed a problem that would produce an "Execution error" when editing a ministry in some circumstances.
v5.7 (Build 8) (1/12/11)
- Automatic SMS reminders and PhoneHuddle™ technology have been added.
- Added the ability for family members to quickly switch between each others' profiles when using the Web Terminal.
- Added support for easily scheduling choir ministries.
- Added the ability to link directly to the current schedule from an external web site (e.g. the church website).
- Added the ability to limit email reminders to particular ministries.
- Added a warning when editing a volunteer that has a unprocessed profile change Web Form, to avoid lost changes.
- Added ability to override lack of ownership of shared files to save a shared database not checked out to the current user.
- Added ability to change label used for "Volunteer", for example, from "Volunteer" to "Minister".
- Fixed a problem that would allow volunteers to accept a swap after the "swap requested" flag on a position was cleared.
- Fixed a problem with live schedules not being auto backed-up correctly at times.
- Fixed a problem that could cause "Exception thrown" errors under some circumstances.
- Many other changes, fixes and improvements.
v5.6 (Build 5) (10/14/10)
- Fixed double "Repeats..." item in right click menu in schedules.
- Fixed bug introduced in 5.6 that could cause the wrong number of volunteers to be required for monthly services.
- Updated Quick Start Guide.
- Other small changes and fixes.
v5.6 (8/4/10)
- Added the ability to make and edit preassignments through the schedule window.
- Creating a live web post has been simplified.
- The "interactive calendar view" schedule layout no longer requires the installation of a browser plugin to function.
- Many other small changes and improvements.
v5.5.1 (Build 3) (6/24/10)
- Fixed a bug related to preferred serving frequencies specified in decimals (e.g. .33 times a month) introduced in 5.1.
v5.5.1 (6/10/10)
- Fixed a bug introduced in 5.5 that could cause the token settings in the Web Terminal to be reset when adding tokens to a new email.
- Fixed a bug introduced in 5.5 that would prevent teams from being automatically added to a service when adding a team member manually in the schedule skeleton.
- Fixed a bug that could cause block scheduled ministries on Saturday morning to be grouped with the follow Sunday's week, as opposed to the previous week.
- Other minor bug fixes.
v5.5 (5/5/10)
- Automatic email reminders can now be sent to volunteers before their scheduled dates.
- New volunteers can now enroll online, or submit their basic personal information and scheduling preferences, through the Web Terminal.
- It is now possible to link directly to full schedule posts from your church's web site, so that people can see these full schedules without having to log into the Web Terminal.
- The {{ScheduleServices}} token can now be filtered to list positions in more than one ministry or service.
- All Web Terminal settings are now accessed through a single "Web Terminal Settings" dialog.
- The calendar views in the Edit Schedule window have been updated for better performance.
- There are now two separate dialogs for saving a live schedule post and exporting a schedule.
- A new "coverage" report allows you to quickly see how many unfilled positions remain in each service.
- The Conflict Report has been optimized so that filters can be changed without the reporting having to re-generate.
- Full schedules can now be posted to the Web Terminal in an "interactive calendar view" format. (A browser plug-in needs to be installed to view schedules in this format).
- A special {{SwapAcceptedByEmail}} token is now available in the "swap requested" email so the two ministers involved in the swap can easily get in contact.
- A special {{WebTerminalMyProfilePage}} token is now available to link directly to the My Profile page in the Web Terminal.
v5.2.2 (12/15/09)
- Integration for Access ACS™ finalized.
- A new "Rebuild database" option in the File menu can be used to correct minor database inconsistencies.
- Bug fixed relating to "Repeat every year" can't serve times.
- Bug fixed where inactive ministers were causing family members not to be scheduled when family members are set to always be scheduled together in a ministry.
- Bug fixed where family members could not be scheduled for the same service as pre-assigned family members in some cases.
- Bug fixed that could cause schedule corruption when processing trade forms under some rare circumstances.
- Bug fixed that caused problems when including "https" links in the Emailer.
v5.2.1 (11/05/09)
- Integration added for Access ACS™.
- The new Conflict Report now sorts by date when the appropriate column is clicked.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 5.2 that could cause one-time-only services to remain unfilled after scheduling.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 5.2 that was preventing Schedule Export settings from being loaded properly.
- Fixed a problem with including "/" in ministry names.
- Fixed a problem that could cause Sunday preassignments to appear before Saturday preassignments when sorting the preassignment list by date.
- Other minor bug fixes.
v5.2 (9/26/09)
- A new "Conflict Report" scans schedules for conflicts with can't serve dates, preferences, and more.
- MSP is now available for Mac OS X.
- Full drag and drop now supported in schedules.
- The Edit Minister window can now be resized.
- Email addresses in live roster posts will now be links that open an email to the appropriate volunteer.
- Many other small changes and fixes.
v5.1.1 Build 2 (6/8/09)
- Fixed a bug introduced in 5.1 that caused inactive ministers to receive swap request emails.
v5.1.1 (5/8/09)
- Added an interactive Web Terminal Demo accessible from within MSP.
- The "Treat as" ("Type") menu in the Edit Service dialog now displays all available services.
- "{{TradeRequestedByEmail}}" token has been added to the special tokens available in the "trade proposal" email.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 5.1 with the radio buttons for preassignment patterns in the Teams pane not highlighting correctly.
- Fixed a display problem introduced in 5.1 when auto-assigning an entire team to a service.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
v5.1 (4/23/09)
- You may now run the auto-scheduler multiple times, each time for different ministries, services, or time periods.
- A new "minister list" allows dragging and dropping ministers into schedules and supports suggesting positions for ministers.
- The Web Terminal now allows ministers to propose and accept "trades" in addition to normal swap requests/accepts.
- Up to six months (instead of three) may now be displayed in the calendar on the left side of open schedules.
- Emails may now have different "From" names and addresses depending on the ministry to which they are being sent.
- Emails for swap accepts / accepts in the Web Terminal can now come from different email addresses based on their related ministry.
- For Catholic users, a new "Discussion" tab in the Web Terminal provides an open forum for discussion of liturgical ministries.
- By popular demand, the "Request swap" link in the Web Terminal is now shown as "Request Sub".
- One-click integration added for Servant Keeper® church management software.
- New option added for scheduling ministries in combination "Whenever possible" (as opposed to just "When needed", or "Always").
- Showing ministers' email and phone numbers in the {{SwapRequestedPositions}} token is now optional.
- It is now possible to change a service's type (weekly, monthly) in schedule and skeletons.
- It is now possible to include links to volunteer for swap requested positions in full schedules in the Web Terminal.
- Services in open schedules and schedule skeletons can now be copied and pasted between days.
- Unfilled positions in open schedules and schedule skeletons can now be copied and pasted between services.
- Teams can now be setup to automatically cycle through service times on a fixed rotation.
- Entries in rosters that include service time preferences are now more likely to fit on one line when viewed in the Web Terminal, improving readability.
- Title rules are now considered when listing unfilled positions or swap requested positions in the Web Terminal.
- Monthly services that replace coinciding weekly services will now retain their identity as monthly services for service preference purposes if their description is different then the weekly service they are replacing.
- Preassignments for Sunday services on the nth week of the month can now be calculated from the adjacent Saturday.
- "nth weekend of the month" can't serve times can now be set to consider "full" weekends only when calculating the weekend number.
- Multiple preassignments can be now be selected by holding down the control or shift keys (for quick mass deletion of preassignments).
- Fixed a problem that could cause an error message to appear while auto-saving the MSP database under some circumstances.
v5.0.2 (Build 6) (1/5/09)
- Added ability to list only first preference in {{ServicePreferences}} token.
- Added ability to hide days of the week in the {{ServicePreferences}} token.
- Added support for Online Trial Edition.
- Fixed an issue that could cause teams rotating in one month blocks to be preassigned incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some ministers not to be scheduled when multiple ministries were tied with "Always schedule in combination" option.
- Fixed an issue with tokens not evaluating correctly in the "My Profile" tab of the Web Terminal.
- Fixed an issue with custom tokens not evaluating correctly in some cases when they had other tokens in their contents.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v5.0.2 (Build 4) (10/28/08)
- Added an option to hide inactive ministers to the Minister pane.
- Inactive ministers will no longer be sent swap request emails.
- Fixed a problem that could cause inactive members sharing an active minister's name to be imported during synchronization.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 5.0 that could cause some ministers not to be scheduled when the "Never split family members in this ministry" option was on.
- Fixed a bug that would insert "http://" in front of "mailto" and "https" links used in the Emailer or Web Terminal.
- All accented characters will now appear correctly in export html schedules and Live Schedule Posts.
v5.0.2 (Build 2) (10/20/08)
- BCCed emails for swap requests will now have token replacements made appropriately.
- Fixed a problem that could cause web forms to disappear in rare circumstances.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 5.0.2 that would prevent this display web form data from being updated correctly in the Web Forms pane.
v5.0.2 (10/14/08)
- Additional unfilled positions may now be directly added to services after the schedule has been generated.
- Added an option to display minister titles in exported schedules.
- Fixed a problem that could cause errors of the form "invalid title id" to appear in some cases.
- Fixed a problem that could prevent v4 data files from being copied over when upgrading from MSP 4.1 or earlier.
- Fixed a problem with the "Always schedule families together in this ministry option" not working correctly.
- Fixed a problem with the 'Always schedule these ministries together' option leaving unfilled positions in some cases.
- Fixed a problem with the "every nth month" setting for preassignments not working properly.
- Fixed a problem with the "Only include this service" option in the Scheduled Services token options not turning off.
- Fixed a problem with monthly and yearly services not appearing in the My Profile tab of the Web Terminal.
- Inactive services will now not appear in the My Profile tab of the Web Terminal by default.
- Accented characters will now appear correctly in export html schedules and Live Schedule Posts.
- The {{WebTerminalHomePageLink}} token will now properly evaluate to a hyper-link instead of plain text.
v5.0.1 (9/23/08)
- Fixed a problem with sending schedule related tokens in the Emailer with data sharing turned off.
- Fixed a problem that could cause errors of the form "Exception thrown: attempt to unserialize empty array".
- Fixed a problem with service preference divided rosters when ministers had ministry-bound service preferences.
v5.0 (9/21/08)
- The new Web Terminal allows ministers access and update their own schedules from anywhere.
- Title feature added to help deal with experienced / inexperienced or male / female ministers.
- MSP now checks for updates automatically and will auto-update itself if one is available.
- No shows that are replaced by walk-in ministers can now be tracked properly using the attendance flags.
- Lists of weekly and yearly service times may now be exported.
- The "Combine with coinciding weekly service" option in the Monthy Service dialog has been replaced by the "Replace coinciding weekly service" option.
- Ministers in teams are now assigned in a random order, as opposed to always in the order they appear in the team.
- The "Schedule this ministry in combo with" option will now always schedule a minister in two ministries at a time if he is qualified for both ministries.
- Area codes may be eliminated from phone numbers in exported schedules to save space.
- Mailing labels can now be properly sorted by 10 digit zip codes.
- Licensing scheme was changed to better reflect value of various features.
v4.2.3 (Build 6) (7/2/08)
- Fixed a problem with an "invalid record id" error appearing during scheduling in some rare cases.
- Fixed a problem with teams flagged to be preassigned in monthly rotations being scheduled incorrectly.
v4.2.3 (Build 4) (6/18/08)
- Fixed a problem introduced in 4.2.3 that could cause an "execution error" dialog to appear under some circumstances in the rosterizer.
v4.2.3 (Build 3) (6/13/08)
- Fixed a problem that could cause inaccurate numbers in the ministry distribution report in rare circumstances.
- Fixed a problem with specifying that two subdivisions of the same ministry could be scheduled in combination with each other.
- Fixed a problem with used the "Schedule in one month blocks" option together with the "Always" schedule in combination with option.
- Inactive and deceased members will no longer be synchronized with ParishSOFT.
- Family email addresses will now be brought over from ParishSOFT in the absence of a member email.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
v4.2.3 (6/2/08)
- Email address validation is now done strictly according to the RFC2822 specification. Apostrophes and other special characters are now allowed.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 4.2.2 that could leave empty positions in schedules when the "Always schedule in combination" option was on for two ministries.
- Fixed a problem with the page setup dialog appearing when printing emails instead of the standard printer dialog.
- Fixed a problem that could cause a hang in rare cases when using conditional expansions for attendance tokens.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
v4.2.2 (5/14/08)
- Synchronization added for ACS Church Management software.
- Synchronization added for PowerChurch management software.
- One click importation added for Schedule Maker v6.x.
- "Bad ministry load" notice that would appear from time to time has been removed.
- The Rosterizer will now deal properly with ministry-bound service preferences in rosters divided by service preference.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
v4.2.1 (1/31/08)
- One-click import from LTP Schedule Maker and Harmony Media Schedule Maker added.
- <<LinkToMinistryResources>> added to Emailer.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
v4.2 (11/30/07)
- When editing preassignments you now have the option to apply changes to corresponding assignments in the open schedule.
- Improved mechanism to deal with SPAM controls when sending mails through the Emailer.
- Restore database from auto-backup option added to file menu.
- More than two ministries may now be flagged to "Always" be scheduled together at one time.
- Minister lists may now be filtered by date created and last date modified, and those fields may also be included in rosters and emails.
- Added ability to import ministry qualifications during one-click synchronization.
- Family emails and phones will now be pulled over from Parish Data Systems™.
- Added ability to import information directly from ZLC Ministry Scheduler.
- Added ability to import information directly from LabOra Ministry Scheduler.
- Improved service distribution in cases where the "Always" schedule together with ministry option is turned on.
- Fixed problem with emails not being sent to ministers who were scheduled during time frame specified by the "ScheduledServices" token, even if the appropriate "don't send" option was switched off.
- Fixed problem with limiting the export schedule date range even though the corresponding preference was turned off.
- Fixed bug that would prevent the "don't include ministers with this token empty" option from working in the Rosterizer.
- Fixed a bug that would include ministers with no services in the "Minister List" schedule layout even though the corresponding preference was turned off.
- Fixed problem with "Execution error" dialogs occurring in some cases when dd/mm/yy date format was being used.
- Fixed a problem that would cause "Exception thrown" when including the "Swap Requested Positions" token in rosters.
- Fixed small problem that could cause a freeze when selecting a minister on the main screen (in extremely uncommon circumstances).
v4.1.4 (10/18/07)
- Added searchable online knowledge base to Help menu.
- Improved Auto-Detect database feature for PDS and ParishSOFT databases.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 4.1.3 with "Schedule this ministry in one week blocks" option.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 4.1.3 with ministers being scheduled for one service more than their preferred serving frequency allowed.
- Fixed a problem sending emails based on scheduled services while filtering with for just a particular ministry.
- Fixed a problem with the Emailer's "Moreover, only send to ministers who pass this filter" option.
- Fixed a problem that caused the emailer to print emails without excluding ministers properly based on token option filters.
- Fixed a problem with excluding ministers when exporting schedules to mailing labels when the "Only include these ministries" option was turned on.
- Fixed a problem with the Emailer not interpreting space-aligned columns correctly.
- Fixed a problem with substitutes not appearing in parenthesis in the "select minister for service" dialog.
- Fixed a that could cause "Can't save this file" errors when not logged in as the administrator on Windows Vista.
v4.1.3 Build 2 (9/11/07)
- Fixed problem with nick name importation from church management software in some circumstances.
- Fixed problem that could cause errors of the form "invalid record id" to be displayed.
- Schedules may now be only 28 days long to allow for celebrations that span month barriers.
- Ministries will now be alphabetized when synchronizing with church management software.
v4.1.3 (9/01/07)
- Added option to automatically preassign teams in monthly rotations.
- Added option to sign in sheets for multiple services on a single per page.
- Added option to include blank lines for unfilled positions in sign in sheets.
- Added ability to synchronize nick names with PDS™ and ParishSOFT® software.
- Added option to filter lists of ministers for just those without internet access (without using inverse option).
- Added option to limit date range of exported sign in sheets on layout settings pane of Export Schedule dialog.
- Manually adding a minister to a ministry which should "always" be scheduled with another ministry will now automatically add the minister to the second ministry.
- The "add can't serve time" window will now remember its last location on the screen and open to that location. It will also remember the last month that a can't serve time was entered and open by default to that month.
- Fixed a problem with exporting rosters in plain text format.
- Auto-backup databases will now be placed in temporary folder instead of MSP folder.
- Fixed a problem with validating date ranges for email tokens on computers set to dd/mm/yy format.
v4.1.2 (7/31/07)
- Added ability to specify that two ministries "always" be scheduled together - especially useful for homebound EMs.
- Improved integration options in synchronize minister feature.
- Fixed a bug introduced in 4.0 that would prevent "inactive" or "manual scheduling only" tokens from being included in the rosterizer.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v4.1.1 (7/18/07)
- Added cell phone field to quick view options and filter minister dialog.
- Added 'clear on attendance flags' option in the Schedule menu.
- Fixed bug with Import Ministers feature introduced in 4.1.
- Fixed a bug that could cause problems with data sharing when not logged in as a computer administrator.
- Fixed several bugs with right click menu in schedule window.
v4.1 (7/10/07)
- Full support attendance tracking has been added. Sign in sheets may be exported, and no shows may be tracked as well as swaps made and extra services taken on. Attendance records can be exported or included in rosters and emails, and custom text may be merged into emails or schedule cover sheets based on past attendance records (e.g. "Also, we noticed that you recently did not show up at one of your scheduled times. Please know how important you are...").
- One-click synchronization of minister information with most popular church management programs has been added.
- The preassignment list can now be filtered by minister, service time, ministry, or preassignment pattern.
- Lists of preassignments and teams may now be exported or included in emails or rosters.
- All other minister information may also now be merged into emails and included in rosters, including phone and address fields and scheduled dates and times. The token option dialog has been expanded resulting in much greater control over the information merged (e.g. only include in this token those can't serve times over a particular date range).
- A Cell Phone field has been added to each ministers' profile.
- The NetServices protocol has again been optimized, halving the speed of many remote requests.
- All database data and remote communication is now automatically encrypted with the FIPS-approved Rigndael (AES) chiper algorithm. The Rijndael algorithm is approved for use by U.S. government departments and agencies to encrypt data up to the Top Secret level.
- The filter minister dialog has been expanded to include the option to build scheduling and attendance related filters. Among other benefits, these additions allow the listing of ministers that have been scheduled more than x number of times in a given time period.
- Ministers may now have multiple ministry preferences for a single service time.
- When changing the date of a yearly service, that service may now automatically be removed from ministers' can't serve times.
- "Don't ask me this again" option has been added to many alerts that automatically pop up throughout the program.
- Preferred serving frequency is now automatically bound in families with the "Never split up this family" option turned on.
- Deleting a minister will now leave any positions that were filled by that minister in schedules "Not Filled", as opposed to eliminating the position altogether.
- Fixed a problem with large attachments (> 3 MB) not being sent properly with the emailer has been resolved.
- Fixed a problem with ministry subdivisions at times appearing out of order in the ministry distribution dialog.
- Fixed a problem that could cause some text to be cut off when exporting a schedule to mailing labels.
- Fixed a problem that could cause apostrophes to be stripped when pasting text from MS Word to the Emailer.
v4.0.6 (2/08/07)
- Fixed a bug introduced in 4.0.4 that prevented numbers for numbered ministries appearing in email tokens and final schedules by service time.
- Fixed an alignment problem that would occur in rare cases with subdivisions in the "Ministry distribution" report.
- Changed the "Ministry distribution" report to only show ministers in the selected ministry when a ministry filter is selected.
- Fixed a bug that could cause ministers to be incorrectly scheduled for two services on the same weekend in rare cases.
- Fixed a problem that could cause severe slow downs when scheduling ministries with "2 week block" and "one month block" scheduling turned on.
v4.0.5 (1/12/07)
- Fixed a bug introduced in 4.0.4 that prevented numbers for numbered ministries appearing in final, exported schedules.
- Fixed a bug that could cause "nth weekend of the month" can't serve times to be interpreted incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug with the "Don't send to substitute ministers" option in the Emailer that would prevent an email from being sent.
v4.0.4 (1/05/07)
- Added ability to enumerate multiple positions in a ministry in a schedule using custom labels in addition to numbers.
- Minister Scheduler Pro may now be installed on multiple users on a single computer without licensing problems occurring.
- The preassignment feature may now be accessed in evaluation mode.
- The "weekly blocks" for ministries scheduled in weekly blocks now start on Saturday and end on Friday, instead of running Sunday to Saturday.
- Fixed a bug introduced in 4.0.3 that could cause can't serve times to appear in dd/mm format in summary boxes on some systems.
- Fixed bug that could cause services to "disappear" from the skeleton window after being edited on systems with dd/mm/yy date settings.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 4.0 that could cause ministry subdivisions to appear out of order in final schedule exports.
- Fixed a bug that could cause exceptions of the form "could not find ministry..." during scheduling in rare cases.
- Fixed a problem that could cause the dates of services to not appear in the "Minister list with services under each" schedule layout.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an error of the form "There is record xx in table ministries" to appear when using the email.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an error of the form "Invalid record id xx" to appear when exporting a schedule.
- Fixed a bug that could delay re-sorting of the minister list when toggling the "sort by last name" option.
v4.0.3 (11/27/06)
- Support added for short date formats of "YYYY-mm-dd" and "dd-MMM-yy".
- Fixed bug that could cause strange behavior when viewing and selecting April 2007 from calendar popups.
- Fixed problem that could affect preferred serving frequency targets when switched schedule skeletons.
v4.0.2 (11/19/06)
- Improved mechanism to detect and copy data from older versions of MSP.
- Fixed problem with "CC to me" feature in Emailer not working correctly.
- Service names will now only appear in the week header of all services in the week have the same (non-empty) name.
- Unfilled positions are now displayed in red in the HTML format for final schedules.
- Interface updated to reflect new maintenance contract licensing structure as opposed to license renewal.
v4.0.1 (11/14/06)
- Fixed a bug that could cause shared databases to remain checked out in some circumstances after Minister Scheduler Pro had been closed.
- Fixed a bug that prevented calendar date pickers from functioning in the Emailer's "token settings" dialog.
v4.0 (11/7/06)
- A new "Web Input" feature allows ministers to view and submit requests to change their service preferences, preferred serving frequency, and can't serve times using any web browser. Their requests may then be reviewed and integrated into their profiles inside MSP with a single click.
- Service times can now be automatically named according to any one of our online liturgical calendars.
- The "View ministry distribution" dialog may now show cumulative totals of services given to each minister across multiple schedules.
- Schedules may now by exported with rows as ministries and services as columns, as opposed to only the other way around. Many other options have been added to the Export Schedule dialog, including the ability to export just particular service times or date ranges, full table breaks between weeks, and also support for .csv (MS Excel) format for all layouts.
- Preferred serving frequency can now be specified on a per-ministry basis.
- You may now send attachments using the Emailer.
- The Emailer is now capable of merging minister's service preferences, can't serve times, and other data into its emails. You may even include in each email a list of unfilled positions in each minister's ministries.
- Emails may now be printed with the information for each minister already merged into the printed document. (This feature is very useful for creating schedule cover letters with customized information for each minister.)
- Support for multiple email addresses has been added.
- The Rosterizer has been completely reworked. Now any minister data may be included in the roster in any order, including service preferences and can't serve times. Also, among many other options, support has been added for listing inactive or substitute ministers separately at the end of the roster.
- Ministers may now be flagged as "Substitutes" in one or more of their ministries, which will prevent them from being scheduled in those ministries by the automatic scheduler. (This setting is equivalent to turning on the "Preassigned and manual scheduling only" option in just the flagged ministries.)
- An "Overload" option can now be used to indicate that particular services may "overload" ministers' schedules if necessary. This feature is particularly useful during times like Holy Week, when many services take place within a short time and the scheduler would otherwise leave empty positions to be manually filled.
- Can't serve times that affect a particular date range may now be flagged to repeat every year during that date range.
- It may now be specified that the date of a yearly service changes each year. Reminders are generated if the date of such a service is not updated each year.
- Weekly services at 12:00 AM are now interpreted to not have a precise time. Just the day or date of such a service will appear in MSP and in final, exported schedules.
- Can't serve times, monthly services, and preassignments can all now be applied to the "last" week of a month.
- The NetServices communication protocol has been streamlined for a 50% or more performance gain.
- It may now be specified that a given computer does not have permission to save changes to a shared database. Such computers may only view the database.
- All files generated by MSP are now externally associated with the program so double clicking on the file in Windows Explorer will now open the file with MSP.
- A new option has been added to the Rosterizer and Export Schedule dialog to web post an exported HTML schedule or roster immediately after it has been generated.
- Imported ministers can now be automatically added to existing families that share their last name.
- A warning dialog is now displayed if yearly services are scheduled to be created on the same dates as weekly services. You may now choose to automatically omit the weekly services scheduled on the days on which yearly services are also scheduled to be created so duplicate or extra services will not be created by accident.
- The ability has been added to change the "Church web identifier" for a license, or the part of the web posting URL that used to be dependent on the NetServices username.
- Opening an old saved schedule and making changes to that schedule will now update the historical scheduling information on file accordingly.
- A new filter "Only show ministers that are active and available to serve at this time" has been added to the "add a minister to this service time" dialog.
- The Data Sharing pane has been reworked to be much clearer and easier to use.
- The re-write of a shared database will now be skipped if no changes have been made to the database since the last save.
- The Edit Ministry dialog has been rearranged. Ministry "Head" information has been condensed to a single field.
- The "Rookie" minister option has been removed. (In most cases it is possible to duplicate the functionality this feature provided using ministry subdivisions.)
- The "Abbreviate ministers' first names to a single initial" option in the export schedule dialog will now automatically not take effect for a given minister if the minister shares the same first name and last initial as another minister in the database.
- Can't serve date filter for fixed date range can't serve times will now return all ministers with ANY can't serve date within the specified date range, as opposed to only those ministers who can not serve for the entire range.
- A progress bar will now appear when saving or loading a remote database or uploading web posts.
- "nth week of the month" preassignments that fall on Saturday now have their week number tied to the adjacent Sunday.
- Services will now only be expanded for oversized teams and families if there is no weekly service that can hold the entire team or family.
- Inactive status and can't serve times will now take priority over preassignments (and rotating team assignments).
- Duplicate entries in imported minister lists will now be automatically eliminated.
- Fixed a quirk in the scheduler that could allow some ministers to be given slightly more than their preferred number of services when the "Never exceed a minister's preferred serving frequency" setting was turned on in some circumstances.
- Improved fairness of ministry distribution in configurations with many low demand ministries.
- Many, many other minor changes and improvements.
v3.9.2 (4/26/06)
- Fixed a bug introduced in 3.9.1 that could cause service times to "disappear" after editing them on some systems.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a fatal error to occur after exporting schedules or rosters.
- Schedules exported in HTML format now use line breaks between ministers instead of back slashes.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.9.1 (4/20/06)
- Added "Schedule this ministry autonomously" as an option in the Edit Ministry dialog.
- Added autosave feature which can be used to restore work in the event of an unexpected quit.
- Added "Save as shared" option to the File menu in the Edit Schedule window to share open schedule as a shared file.
- Added "Open Recent Schedule" option in the File menu.
- Added "Use Recent Database" option in the File menu.
- Fixed a bug that could cause service times to "disappear" after editing in systems using DD/MM/YY date foramt.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.9 (3/1/06)
- Can't serve dates may now be specified on a per-ministry basis.
- Added additional address formats, title and "filler" field options to Import Ministers feature.
- Added Next and Previous buttons to Edit Minister dialog to jump to next and previous ministers.
- Added option to ensure that no minister is scheduled two weekends in a row to Scheduler Settings dialog.
- Added "Bcc to me" option to Emailer.
- Changed licensing scheme and added distributed installation verification system (DIVS).
- Fixed a problem that could leave shared databases checked out improperly or changes lost when quitting MSP from the Schedule Skeleton window.
- Fixed a bug that could cause service times to be displayed incorrectly in some time zones under daylight savings time.
v3.8.3 (12/22/05)
- Added ability to explicitly specify which ministers with the same last name are grouped into a family on import.
- The Rosterizer now includes monthly services when sub-dividing rosters by first service preference.
- Fixed a problem with importing two column addresses introduced in 3.8.2.
- Fixed a problem introduced in v3.8 that would cause schedules to be one day shorter than the specified end date.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.8.2 (12/1/05)
- The Import Ministers feature now accepts .csv files along with .txt files.
- Added "Address (Street only)" and "Address (City, State, Zip)" only to Import Ministers available fields.
- Added "Clear settings" option to Emailer.
- Fixed a bug introduced in version 3.8 that would cause adding family members to fail when control-clicking to add a minister manually to a schedule.
- Fixed a bug that would cause problems if a service was deleted in between a skeleton being generated and a schedule being run.
- Fixed a problem that would cause "exception thrown" errors when adding "Any special service" to a minister's can't serve time list.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.8.1 (10/24/05)
- Fixed a bug introduced in version 3.8 that was preventing service times with locations / descriptions from being added to ministers' preferences lists.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.8 (10/19/05)
- Added option to always keep families together in a specific ministry.
- Service preferences may now be different for different members of the same family.
- Teams may now be made up of ministers from different subdivisions of the same ministry.
- Explicit control added for abbreviating minister first names in final schedules.
- The subdivisions in each ministry may now be displayed in the list of ministries on the Ministries pane.
- The ministries required for each service may now be displayed in the list of services on the Service Times pane.
- A team or a family that is too big for a service may now automatically expand the number of required ministers for that service in order for the team or family to be scheduled.
- Added scheduler option to exceed preferred serving frequencies when necessary in order to complete a schedule.
- You may now right click on a minister in a schedule to show all the services given to that minister.
- You may now hold down the Control key when clicking the OK button in the new minister dialog to create an additional minister.
- "nth weekend of the month" can't serve times are now interpreted as corresponding to the "nth SUNDAY" of the month as opposed to the "nth SATURDAY".
- Fixed a bug that was causing the "save" to fail to appear when the last schedule or roster was saved to a network or removable drive.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a shared database to remain checked out after an error during the database load.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.7.2 (9/7/05)
- Changed the way ministry specific service preferences affect scheduling when the "Schedule only at these times" setting is turned on. Now when this setting in on a minister will only be scheduled in a ministry at the service preference declared for that ministry.
- Fixed a problem introduced in v3.6 with the "schedule in one month block" setting in the Edit Ministry dialog not holding to its setting.
v3.7.1 (9/2/05)
- Fixed a problem introduced in v3.7 with using the return key in the Edit Minister dialog.
- Fixed a problem introduced in v3.7 with the "Send data files to tech support" feature.
v3.7 (8/29/05)
- Support for "teams" added to ensure groups of ministers are always scheduled together in a particular ministry.
- Scheduler option added to ignore service preference order.
- The global "Schedule any minister for any special service" setting now takes priority over the "Only schedule for these times" minister setting.
- Comments field added to list of importable fields.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a hang on the "Calculating Scheduling Parameters" phase of schedule generation.
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash in some cases when choosing "View subscription pricing" from the NetServices menu.
- Fixed a problem with extra line breaks appearing in some email messages.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.6 (7/22/05)
- The scheduler will now attempt to schedule family members together in the same ministry whenever possible.
- Extra positions in particular services in a ministry that is scheduled in "one week blocks" will now be filled with single ministers.
- Dates will now appear in dd/mm/yy form when specified to appear as such by system preferences.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.5.1 (6/10/05)
- Fixed a problem with MSP NetServices communications in high latency environments.
- Speed and memory optimizations made to many interface elements.
- Location of saved rosters and schedules is now remembered between sessions.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.5 (5/24/05)
- Support added for automatic data sharing and synchronization between non-networked computers!
- Option to schedule ministries in two week blocks added.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 3.2 with converting old databases from MSP version 2.6 or earlier.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.2.1 (5/4/05)
- Fixed a problem with saving schedules and schedule skeletons introduced in v3.2.
v3.2 (5/3/05)
- The main MSP window may now be maximized to cover the entire screen.
- Added ability to schedule ministries in one week blocks.
- Added ability to make service times temporarily "inactive".
- The scheduler will now leave empty positions in the schedule instead of exceeding a minister's preferred serving frequency when there are not enough ministers to complete the schedule.
- The selected minister's preferred serving frequency is now shown in the dialog used to manually assign a minister to a service.
- Added feature to automatically send database, preferences, and schedule files to MSP tech support.
- Fixed a problem with opening old scheduler settings files from MSP v2.x with MSP v3.1.
- Fixed a problem that could cause errors of the form "Exception thrown" during scheduling under some circumstances.
- Inactive ministers will now appear in grey in minister lists throughout the program.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.1 (4/12/05)
- Added ability to automatically schedule specified ministries together with other ministries.
- Added ability to schedule ministries in one month blocks.
- Added can't serve time display to minister quick view in the "add minister to service" dialog.
- The Edit Schedule window and distribution report windows may now be resized or maximized.
- Ministers' titles will now print out on mailing labels.
- Fixed a problem with creating families via the "New" button in the "Edit Minister" dialog.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
v3.0.2 (3/23/05)
- Fixed problem with import ministers feature introduced in 3.0 that would cause some fields to be ignored.
- Hyperlinks will now correctly be added to emails for strings of the form "http://www..."
v3.0.1 (3/23/05)
- Added "Never split up this family" option to the Edit Family dialog
to control family splitting on an individual basis.
- Service locations will now appear after their names in lists of service
times throughout the progarm.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 3.0 with scheduling some ministers belonging
to families with their "Only declared preferences" option turned
v3.0 (3/20/05)
- Ministers may now have unlimited service preferences.
- Each service preference may now optionally be tied to a certain ministry.
For example, you can specify that a minister be scheduled only as a Eucharistic
Minister at the Sunday, 7:30 AM service, or only as a Greeter on Saturday,
5:00 PM.
- A new "Schedule Skeleton" window allows you to make changes to
a schedule before the automated scheduling begins (e.g. create special services
or manually schedule specific ministers for certain services) using the same
calendar interface that is used after the automated scheduling has been completed.
Control-click may now be used to fill in an empty position without having
to open the Edit Service dialog. Schedule Skeletons may also be saved just
like completed schedules.
- Greater control is now offered over who can be scheduled for yearly and
one-time-only services. You can now hand pick which ministers may and may
not be scheduled for these services on a per-service or "in general"
- Repeating can't serve times may now be limited to a particular date range.
For example, you may specify that a minister can not serve the first weekend
of the month from May to July. Date ranges can also now be specified for "service"
can't service times.
- With a subscription to MSP NetServices, you can send customizable email
messages to your ministers that may include individualized content, such as
the list of services for which they have been scheduled. The emails are sent
using our servers, so you don't need to worry about configuring the program
to use an outside SMTP account or about exceeding the account's send mail
quota and having it shut down without notice.
- Using MSP NetServices, you can also post your schedules directly onto the
internet. We provide the web space and make posting schedules and keeping
them updated incredibly easy. No technical knowledge is required whatsoever.
- You can now require users to enter a password when MSP is launched before
they can access the program.
- A new compression technique cuts down on the size of MSP databases by 50%
or more!
- The new Export Minister Data feature allows you to export any information
about your ministers to a text file or MS Excel spreadsheet.
- The minister summary fields on MSP's main screen can now be custom configured
to show any information about a minister, including service preferences and
can't serve dates.
- Family can't serve times will now appear in the records of individual family
- Gray parentheses now appear around ministers who have their "Preassigned
and manual scheduling only" option turned on in minister lists throughout
the program.
- An option has been added to omit services from the default tabular schedule
layout for which nobody is scheduled in the ministries included in the export.
- Many other minor additions and enhancements.
v2.7.1 (1/25/04)
- Bug fix release. A problem introduced in v2.7 could cause error messages of the form "Exception thrown..." to appear.
- Under some circumstances data corruption because of this problem could occur. Upgrade to v2.7.1 to fix the issue.
v2.7 (1/21/04)
- Option added to prevent members of same family being scheduled at different services in the same weekend (on by default).
- Preferred serving frequency is no longer automatically bound between members of the same family.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements.
v2.6.3 (1/6/04)
- Bug fix release to address emailing problems on some machines introduced in 2.6.2.
v2.6.2 (12/29/04)
- Fixed bug introduced in 2.6 which caused preference filter in Add Minister To Mass dialog to be disabled.
- Fixed problem with using arrow keys in preassignment list.
v2.6.1 (11/24/04)
- Added ability to send a bulk email to just some select ministers.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 2.6 with preassigning ministers with repeating can't serve times.
- Fixed a problem introduced in 2.6 which was causing rookies to be scheduled together in some cases where they shouldn't have been.
v2.6 (11/18/04)
- Added support for preassigning ministers or teams of ministers in fixed patterns (e.g. Sunday, 9:00 AM, every third week)
- Extensive speed optimizations to the scheduling engine. (30% performance gain!)
- Changes made to the scheduling engine to improve ministry distribution in large families.
- Added "Bulk email" feature (found in File menu) to send out an email addressed to all ministers.
- Added ability to assign a minister to a service in two different ministries at once.
- Added "Preassigned and manual scheduling only" property to ministers.
- Added ability to clear specific ministers' historical scheduling information.
- Added feature to "Clean up" (automatically remove) old outdated can't serve times.
- Fixed problem with auto-email feature that cropped up again in v2.5.2.
- Fixed bug with specifying preferred serving frequencies in the times-per-year format.
- Numerous other minor fixes and enhancements.
v2.5.2 (10/23/04)
- Fixed bug which prevented the new monthly services from being completely integrated into the service distribution rotation.
- Other minor fixes.
v2.5.1 (10/10/04)
- Added feature to generate labels containing the name of every minister.
- Added ability to paste minister assignments into the selected mass without opening the Edit Mass dialog.
- Added ability to directly type the number of required ministers in Edit Service dialog.
- Fixed bug that was occasionally causing strange behavior when setting ministry qualifications.
- Fixed problem with jump-to-email feature that was introduced in v2.5.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements.
v2.5 (10/1/04)
- General interface overhaul and appearance manager support for Windows XP added.
- Support for monthly services added.
- Several interface changes to make rookie minister setting less prominent.
- Feature added to automatically bind subdivision qualifications.
- Drag support added to rearrange minister positions Edit Service dialog.
- Significant updates to documentation and quick start guide.
- License names and prices changed. Additional license type added.
- Bug fixed which would cause a hang in the first phase of scheduling under some circumstances.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements.
v2.4 (8/30/04)
- Features added to automate manual adding / removing of family groupings from services.
- New feature to copy / paste minister assignments between services.
- "Jump to family" button added in Edit Minister dialog.
- Speed enhancements to the scheduler.
- Bug fixed which caused problems with service distributions in some cases where inactive ministers were manually added to services.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements.
v2.3.3 (7/19/04)
- Change to scheduling engine to improve fairness of ministry/subministry distribution.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements.
v2.3.2 (7/15/04)
- Adjustment made to scheduling engine to reduce unfilled positions in low-minister situations.
- Problem fixed with changing service times due to daylight savings on Windows 98 machines.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements.
v2.3.1 (6/2/04)
- Fixed a problem with the database backend that would caused exceptions of the form "There is no record x in table y".
v2.3 (5/23/04)
- Added support for ministry subdivisions.
- Changed licensing scheme.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements.
v2.2.2 (5/19/04)
- Fixed minor problem with adding ministries to a minister during the schedule generation process.
v2.2.1 (5/18/04)
- Added support to add specific ministers to specific numbered positions.
- Fixed a problem with saving scheduler settings.
- Fixed a minor bug with saving rosterizer settings.
v2.2 (5/17/04)
- Added feature to specify individual weekly services at which a minister can not serve.
- Added feature to automatically number assigned positions in a schedule (on a per ministry basis).
- Added feature to save/load scheduler settings.
- Added feature to save/load rosterizer settings.
- Changes to database backend enable this version to run almost 50% faster than 2.1.
- Other minor changes / enhancements / fixes.
v2.1 (5/01/04)
- Added new scheduling setting which enables individual ministers in a family to be scheduled additional times without their family members in order to equalize service distribution.
v2.0.1 (4/12/04)
- Fixed minor problem with filtering ministers by preferred serving frequency.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements.
v2.0 (4/09/04)
- Added ability to sepcify preferred serving frequency for ministers in terms of times a week, month, or year.
- Support for multiple minister selection / editing at once added.
- Instructions for assigning service preferences added to Quick Start Guide.
- Other fixes and enhancements.
v1.7 (4/05/04)
- Improved minister 'Filtering' options greatly and expanded filtering to many different lists throughout the program.
- Added ability to change the order in which ministries appear in schedules and lists throughout the program.
- New roster features, included 'sub-divide by first service preference' option.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements.
v1.6 (3/29/04)
- Added "Quick Start Guide" to help with setup process.
- Added spiffy new tabular schedule format (*.rtf and .*html both supported).
- Other minor enhancements and fixes.
v1.5 (3/24/04)
- Added feature which enables a user to schedule specific ministers for certain services.
- Removed "Minimum days between services" scheduling setting. This value is now calculated automatically by the scheduling engine on a per-minister basis.
- Added "every other" and "week" options to repeating vacation dates.
- Other minor changes and fixes.
v1.1.3 (3/10/04)
- Minor changes to scheduling engine to expand time between scheduled services for each minister.
- Fixed problem with   appearing when editing HTML schedules with MS Word.
- Small changes to docs.
v1.1.2 (3/9/04)
- Fixed problem with calendar coloring of days containing unfilled services.
v1.1 (3/8/04)
- Added repeating vacation feature.
- Added family 'babysitting' feature.
- Import minister feature changed to combine qualified ministries for duplicate ministers.
- Fixed problem with adding some ministers to certain families.
- Minor improvements to the scheduling engine.
v1.0.2 (2/27/04)
- Fixed problem with would prevent launcher from working in low memory situations. This could cause generated schedules to fail to open or the Documentation to fail to open when choosing Help from the Help menu.
- Reduced installer size by 1 meg.
v1.0.1 (2/25/04)
- Added "Import ASP Database" feature to aid users of Altar Servers Pro in upgrading to Minister Scheduler Pro.
- Fixed problem with persistence of historic scheduling information.
v1.0 (2/22/04)
- First version! Please send any bug reports, suggestions, or comments to